Midway's futuristic arcade hover-racing game. Hyperdrive features custom arcade controls and state-of-the-art 3-D graphics.
DATI TECNICI CPU principale: R5000 (@ 200 Mhz) CPU sonora: ADSP2115 (@ 16 Mhz) Chip sonori: (2x) DMA-basato (@ 16 Mhz)
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: levetta Pulsanti: 4
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato negli USA nel Febbraio 1998.
Mirror Mode: Press View1 during the track select screen. Mirror mode flips the track right to left, so that all the right-hand turns become left-hand turns and vice versa.
Expert Mode: Press View2 during the track select screen. Expert mode turns off the 'catch-up' code, so there is no computer help for the players that are behind. This is for players who want a fair-and-square head-to-head race without any computer assistance. Also in expert mode, the green guide boxes for the boost zones are disabled, and the 'help boxes', that pop are disabled.
Mirror Mode and Expert Mode can both be active at the same time. Just hold down View1 and View2 at the same time during the track select screen.
No Drones Mode: Press View1 during the ship select screen. This mode is included for the really good players who want the race solely the result of head-to-head racing, without the chance of the race being influenced by one person getting bumped by a drone, or by the drones clustering around one person and not the other.
Cruise Controllo: If the player doesn't step on the gas pedal at the start of the game, then the game will automatically keep the gas pedal at 80% of max speed.
Barrel Rolls: Double-tapping the yellow buttons makes the ship roll to the right and left. The player gets a small but useful speed boost if he can pull off a barrel roll.
Afterburner: Double-tapping the gas pedal makes the ship speed up and the exhaust flare up.
STAFF SOFTWARE: Matt Booty, Ed Keenan, Brian Eddy, Peter Giokaris ART: Mike Ossian, Dave Zabloudil, Jim Rohn, Brian Morris, Tony Lentini MUSIC/SOUND: Dan Forden Mechanical engineer: Peter Dorn
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=3314&o=2
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Hyperdrive (ver 1.40, Oct 23 1998)
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