[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=hod2bios&type=ingame[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=hod2bios]NAOMI The House of the Dead 2 BIOS (romset hod2bios) on Arcade Database[/url]
<a href='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=hod2bios'><img alt='' src='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=hod2bios&type=ingame'><br/>NAOMI The House of the Dead 2 BIOS (romset hod2bios) on Arcade Database</a>
The Special Agents who were assigned to the original House of the Dead mission, thought they were successful in wiping out the evil that resided in secret laboratories and underground passages: however, they were wrong, Dead Wrong!
In the 1st installment of House of the Dead, the situation was a grave one. However, with new hidden passages, giving the player the opportunity to alter the course of each game. The House of the Dead 2 is sure to create more excitement along with a deadlier outcome.
Unbeknownst to the Special Agents, Curlens' scientist and experiments escaped through hidden passages in the mansion. The lifeless corpses and mutilated specimens terrorize the countryside while heading for the targeted City.
The House of the Dead 2, debuting on Sega's new, low cost, high performance, Naomi Hardware Platform, guarantees excitement while the player travels through 6 new challenging levels, using a new light-gun system to destroy new zombies, gruesome creatures, ghastly ghouls, and freaks of modern science, that are bigger, stronger, and faster than ever.
DATI TECNICI [1] Deluxe Type. [2] Super Deluxe Type. [3] Upright Type.
Runs on the Sega "NAOMI" Hardware.
CURIOSITÀ Common Abbreviations: THOFD2
Rilasciato in Giappone nel Novembre 1998. Rilasciato in Nord America nel Dicembre 1998.
The House of the Dead 2 was the first game released on NAOMI hardware.
Show Score: L is the Left pistol trigger and R is the Right pistol trigger...
Insert coins into the HOTD2 machine. Then, click on L 2 times, R 3 times, L once, R once and press Start before demo begins.
Increase Life Stock: To increase the number of lives a player will have, rapidly push the start button while inserting coins.
Note: This trick also works during the game!
Grenade Launcher: On the first level hit all enemies in the HEAD and when you reach the 1st Boss you will pick up a grenade launcher .
Quick Reload: Any fan of arcade shooters will know that it's time consuming to reload by shooting the gun away from the screen, and annoying losing your target. For a quick and painless reload, simply put your fingers in front of the nozzle and squeeze one off - then you can get back to killing whatever it was you were killing without interruption.
No Reloading On Final Boss: If you shoot your gun away from the screen 5 times right before fighting the final boss, you won't have to reload.
Bonus Room: If you manage to get through the entire game without killing any civilians or letting the zombies kill any civilians, you will be rewarded with a bonus room, just before the last boss. The room contains life-ups and bonus points.
Boss Tactics:
1) Judgement: Aim for the purple bat. 2) Heroplant: Aim for his heart,in the middle. 3) Tower: Aim for the heads that are charging up or turning yellow. 4) Strenghten: Aim for his head. 5) Magician: Aim for his left or right leg. He is faster, quicker and harder than the magician in House of the Dead part 1, so be careful! 6) Emperor: Aim for the pink ball of his body. His life goes down little by little.
1) Get a score of 80,000 or more for the GOOD ending 2) Get a score less than 80,000 with the last digit 0 for the BAD ending (but it is good in a way) 3) Get a score less than 80,000 with the last digit 1-9 not 0 for the NORMAL ending.
The House of the Dead (1996)
The House of the Dead 2 (1998)
The House of the Dead III (2003)
The House of the Dead 4 (2005)
Loving Deads - The House of the Dead EX (2008)
The House of the Dead - Overkill (2009, Nintendo Wii)
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NAOMI The House of the Dead 2 BIOS
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NAOMI The House of the Dead 2 BIOS
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