GTI Club is a circuit-based racing game in which players race around a small town on the Cote d'Azur (in the French Riviera) in one of four classic rally cars, including the Mini Cooper and the Renault 5 Alpine Turbo, or a fifth super-car (at the cost of an extra credit). The four smaller cars all handle and drive the same as each other, whereas the super-car offers greater acceleration.
Racing takes place in a single location; a picturesque town comprised of steep hills and sharp corners. There are three variations of the track on offer, each offering a different level of difficulty. The 'Easy' track is the standard; the 'Medium' tracks opens up numerous short-cuts and alternate routes, while the 'Hard' track is mirrored.
A handbrake is provided and mastering its use is vital to enable handbrake turns through sharp corners, to reach timed check-points and overtake rival racers.
DATI TECNICI Konami GTI Club Hardware
CPU: PowerPC 403GA @ 64 MHz 3D DSP: ADSP-21062 (SHARC) @ 36 MHz CPU sonora: 68EC000 @ 16 MHz Chip sonori: Ricoh RF5C400 PCM 32Ch, 44.1 kHz Stereo, 3D Effect Spatializer. Graphics (Custom 3D): 2 x KS10071 (Possibly graphics as well: KS10081, K001604) Unknown Chips (possibly sound related): K056800, K056230
CURIOSITÀ GTI Club Rally Cote D'azur è stato rilasciato in Giappone nel Settembre 1996 e oltremare nel 1997.
Soundtrack releases: GTI Club c/w Jet Wave & Winding Heat Original Game Soundtrack [King Records - KICA-7751 - Feb 5, 1997]
Race as a Dog: To race as a dog, push the Automatic/Manual transmission button while entering coins. Then put the gearshift into reverse. Wait until the game starts and release.
GTI Club Rally Cote D'azur (1997)
GTI Club Corso Italiano (2000)
GTI Club Supermini Festa! (2009)
STAFF Director: Shigenobu Matsuyama (S. Matsuyama) Programmatore: S. Fukunaga, K. Midorikawa, T. Mizumoto, A. Shimiz Designer CG: S. Matsuyama, R. Ueda, S. Wakabayashi Designer suono: Y. Koezuka, Toshirou Sakurai (T. Sakurai), H. Shikama Mechanic Engineer: S. Uchiyama, T. Hiraoka, K. Okita Product Designer: M. Kokado, T. Nishimura, Y. Isetani Ingegnere hardware: H. Yamashita, T. Kobayashi, M. Kami, S. Yoshida, S. Ueda, H. Konishi DSP programmer: K. Sugano Producer: H. Machiguchi
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GTI Club: Rally Cote D'Azur
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GTI Club: Rally Cote D'Azur (ver EAA)
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