Guardians is a horizontally-scrolling beat-em-up for one or two players featuring eight selectable characters. Controls consist of an eight-way joystick and three buttons; standard attack, jump and special attack. Pressing the standard attack button repeatedly when attacking will trigger a combo from the player-character. The final blow of the combo can be changed to a throw if the player moves the joystick in the opposite direction just before landing it.
Enemies can be grabbed simply by walking into one of them. When an enemy is grabbed, the player can perform a grab attack by pressing the attack button or perform a throw by tilting the joystick left or right. A thrown enemy can be tossed at another for additional damage. Items such as weapons, health recovery items, and items awarding extra points can be picked up by standing over one and pressing the attack button. Weapons have limited uses and will disappear if the player is disarmed by an enemy too often or when the player moves to a new area.
Each player-character has both a life bar and a power meter. The power meter allows for the special attacks to be made, either by pressing both standard attack and jump simultaneously, or by pressing the special attack button. These powerful attacks reduce the power meter but it does replenish itself after a few seconds. However, some of the player's health is lost in the process. Health levels can be replenished by finding food that lies hidden in breakable crates scattered through the stages.
A powerful boss enemy awaits player at the end of each stage.
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Guardians / Denjin Makai II
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Guardians / Denjin Makai II (P0-113A PCB)
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