Geo Storm is a scrolling run 'n' gun platform shoot-em-up for one or two players who must battle their way through numerous enemy-packed stages, each ending with a tough boss battle.
Each player-character weilds two machine guns simultaneously and can fire in all directions. At certain points during a stage, players may find armoured vehicles that can be entered and driven, offering increased fire-power and protection from enemy weapons, but if a vehicle takes too many hits, players must quickly exit it before it explodes. Enemy troops also have vehicles at their disposal.
Each stage is littered with sexy female hostages waiting to be rescued and medals can be collected for extra bonus points.
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 2
CURIOSITÀ Geo Storm è stato rilasciato in Giappone nel Settembre 1994.
The game was originally an order from the USA, Gun Force had a nice success in the US, so a sequel would be a great idea. It's why it is known in US as "Gun Force II".
The development was chaotic since Irem closes its doors (March 1994) before the release of the game.
During development, this game was code named 'A2'. The name Geo Storm came from the name of the game designer's sport car of these days; the Isuzu's Geo Storm.
Some musics in this game are directly recycled (and remixed) from "Air Duel", another Irem game from 1990. The Stage 1 music is a remixed version of the Stage 4 music of "Air Duel". The Stage 2 part 1 music is a remixed version of the Stage 1 music of "Air Duel". The Stage 2 part 2 music is a remixed version of the Stage 3 music of "Air Duel".
The voices of the female prisoneers were done by the sound designer itself, Hiya!, then re-worked on the computer.
Gun Force - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (1991)
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Geo Storm
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Geo Storm (Japan, 014 custom sound CPU)
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