Gals Panic 4 is a variant of the classic puzzle game qix where the player works to uncover the highlighted area of the play space to reveal a girl. Players select one of seven girls at the start of the game. Each girl has three stages with each stage featuring a different background image to uncover. Players are given bombs to attack the enemies with and are rewarded with more bombs if they reveal a large section at one time. When a player reveals 80% of a girl the stage ends and the player is shown the entire background image. When a player reveals 100% of the girl in a stage, he is rewarded with a 'Showtime' interlude. Unlike in later games, 'Showtime' sequences involve no nudity, they just show the girl in a bikini. The 'Showtime' image is the same for each level featuring the girl.
There is also a 2-player vs. game where both players work on separate images on a split screen and work to reveal their image first. When a player uses a bomb in this game, instead of attacking the enemy, it sends a sub-enemy to the other player's side.
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 2
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato in Giappone nel Settembre 1996.
This is the first game in the series to feature 'Showtime' sequences, and the only game in the series with no mini-games between stages.
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI Bombing the enemy in rapid succession adds bonus status defects to the attack. After the third bomb the enemy is slowed down and after the fourth bomb the enemy is stopped in place. After rapidly bombing an enemy, use the opportunity to quickly clear the stage.
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Gals Panic 4
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Gals Panic 4 (Japan)
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