Gals Panic 3 is a variant of the classic puzzle game "Qix" where the player works to uncover the highlighted area of the play space to reveal a girl. The player gets to select which girl to uncover before each stage. When a player reveals 80% of a girl the stage ends and the player is shown the entire background image. If the player reveals 100% of the silhouetted image, then he is shown a series of different photos of the current girl before continuing on to the next stage. Between stages there are mini-games where the player can win the chance to see an image of another girl.
DATI TECNICI CPU principale: Motorola 68000 (@ 16 Mhz) Chip sonori: Yamaha YMZ280B (@ 14.3182 Mhz)
Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 1
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato nell'Ottobre 1995.
Gals Panic 3 introduced the scroll feature to the series. In the previous two games the image was surrounded by a border, but starting with Gals Panic 3 the image continues beyond the view port. Once a set percentage of the image is revealed the view port will scroll along with the player's cursor. This is a feature that will continue throughout the rest of the series.
Unlike all other games in the series, Gals Panic 3 only features photographed models.
This game was refused classification in Australia on August 9th 1996, after being submitted by the Victorian Police.
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Gals Panic 3
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Gals Panic 3 (Japan)
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