Galactic Storm is a 3-D shoot-em-up set in Earth's Solar System in the near future. Our system is being invaded by an enemy battle fleet and players must fight through waves of enemy spacecraft, avoiding incoming enemy fire and navigating through huge structures to penetrate the enemy colony and eventually the enemy base.
The player's ship is armed with a front-firing Pulse Cannon as well as the 'D Weapon'; a limited use special weapon capable of destroying several enemies at once. Players have only two of these special attacks per stage.
The ship is protected by a shield that depletes every time the player takes a hit or collides with enemies or scenery. Once the shield is fully depleted, a further hit will destory the ship and the game ends. The shield is fully replenished at the start of every stage, however.
Each stage ends with a battle against a huge, powerful enemy craft.
DATI TECNICI This game runs on a IDYA (Interactive Dynamic Accelerator) cabinet. Other games that also run on this cabinet are "Cave Speeder", "Cyber Sterra", and "Vertexer".
CURIOSITÀ Galactic Storm è stato rilasciato in Giappone nel Marzo 1992, anche se la schermata del titolo riporta 1991 (anno di sviluppo). It had good graphics and sound for its time. But Street Fighter 2 was popular during this time, and it crushed everything. So, the game failed to become a success.
Some graphics (player design, final stage, and some others) were taken from "Master of Weapon".
Pony Canyon / Scitron released a very rare soundtrack album for this game (nouvelle vague - G.S.M TATIO 7 -). Zuntata Record released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Galactic storm ~ Memory of eyes) on February 2, 1999. Zuntata Record released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Retro game collection - shooting cluster 1) il 29 Giugno 2011.
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI When a stage is cleared, you recover your shield.
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Galactic Storm
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Galactic Storm (Japan)
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