The Fantasy Zone is under attack by an army of ruthless, yet undeniably cute, alien enemies. A fearless space fighter by the name of 'Opa-opa' (a craft that is as cute as the game's enemies, featuring wings and feet - the latter appearing whenever the player flies down to ground level at the bottom of the screen) must stop the alien invasion to restore peace to the Fantasy Zone, as well as finding his missing father, 'Opapa', in the process.
Each level has a number of large, enemy generating ships, that produce a constant stream of enemies to attack the player. While the enemies the generators produce can either be shot or avoided, the generators themselves MUST be destroyed. Once the generators are gone, an end-of-level ship will appear that must be beaten to complete the level.
Fantasy Zone is rendered with the surreal, brightly coloured graphics that typify many Japanese videogames; with an equally abstract approach to in-game weapons: with that cartoon comedy staple, the 'anvil', making an appearance.
DATI TECNICI Gira sull'hardware Sega "System 16A". ID gioco: 317-5000
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 2
CURIOSITÀ Fantasy Zone è stato rilasciato nel Marzo 1986.
The game's main character Opa-opa makes a cameo in 'Zillion' a science fiction anime T.V. series from the 80's, and in the Sega Dreamcast games Shenmue (1999) and Shenmue 2 (2001) as a collectable figurine.
The Stage 1 music was recycled in the Sega Mega Drive role-playing-game "Phantasy Star 4".
The shop music in Fantasy Zone, is recycled in several other Sega games such as 1988's Hot Rod, 1989's Out Run Turbo, and the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive port of Super Hang-On (the tune plays in the shop which is in the console exclusive career mode).
Soundtrack releases: [JP] Feb 25, 1987 - Sega Game Music Vol.2 [28XA-108] [JP] Oct 18, 2000 - Sega Game Music Vol.2 [Legend Series] [SCDC-00052] [JP] Sep 11, 2008 - Fantasy Zone Ultra Super Big Maximum Great Strong Complete Album [WM-0604~7]
AGGIORNAMENTI The music is incomplete in early Japanese version and completed in the US version.
Fantasy Zone (1986, ARC)
Fantasy Zone II - Opa Opa no Namida [Modello G-1329] (1987, Mark III)
Opa Opa [Modello G-1343] (1987, Mark III)
Fantasy Zone Gear - OpaOpa Jr. no Bouken [Modello T-44017] (1991, Game Gear)
Space Fantasy Zone (1991, PC-Engine CD)
Super Fantasy Zone (1993, Mega Drive)
Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (2008, PS2)
[JP] Sega Mark III (june.15, 1986) "Fantasy Zone [Modello G-1301]" [JP] Nintendo Famicom (jul.17, 1987) "Fantasy Zone [Modello SS8-5300]" [JP] NEC PC-Engine (oct.14, 1988) "Fantasy Zone [Modello H49G-1001]" [JP] Sega Saturn (21 feb. 1997) "Fantasy Zone [Sega Ages] [Modello GS-9136]" [JP] Sony PS2 (aug.28, 2003) "Fantasy Zone [Sega Ages 2500 Vol.3] [Modello SLPM-62366]" [JP] Sony PS2 (28 set. 2008) "Fantasy Zone Complete Collection [Sega Ages 2500 Vol.33] [Modello SLPM-62780]" [US] Microsoft XBOX 360 (10 feb. 2009) "Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection [Modello 68034]": come extra sbloccabile. [KO] Sony PlayStation 3 (10 feb. 2009) "Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection" di SCEI: come extra sbloccabile. [US] Sony PlayStation 3 (10 feb. 2009) "Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection [Modello BLUS-30259]": come extra sbloccabile. [EU] Microsoft XBOX 360 (20 feb. 2009) "SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection [Modello 384-40210]": come extra sbloccabile. [EU] [AU] Sony PlayStation 3 (20 feb. 2009) "SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection [Modello BLES-00475]": come extra sbloccabile. [AU] Microsoft XBOX 360 (26 feb. 2009) "Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection": come extra sbloccabile.
[JP] MSX (1986) "Fantasy Zone [Modello R55X5812]" [JP] Sharp X68000 (4 ago. 1989) "Fantasy Zone [Modello DP-3205012]" [JP] Microsoft Windows 98 (1998) "Memorial Selection [Modello HCJ-0147]"
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Fantasy Zone
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Fantasy Zone (Time Attack, bootleg)
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