Based on the famous RPG system Dungeons & Dragons. Six characters straight out of the Dungeons and Dragons Player's Manual take up arms in order to rid the kingdom of the evil sorceress Synn and her droves of annoying little Kobolds.
DATI TECNICI Gira sull'hardware "CP System II". Scheda verde [Giappone]
Giocatori: Fino a 4. Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni per giocatore. Pulsanti: 4 per player.
CURIOSITÀ Dungeons & Dragons - Shadow Over Mystara è stato rilasciato in Giappone nel Febbraio 1996. Era noto come il 14º gioco CPS-II.
Known Pubblicazioni per l'esportazione: "Dungeons & Dragons - Shadow Over Mystara [Scheda blu]" "Dungeons & Dragons - Shadow Over Mystara [Scheda grigia]" "Dungeons & Dragons - Shadow Over Mystara [Scheda arancione]" "Dungeons & Dragons - Shadow Over Mystara [Scheda rosa]"
The game forbids the initials 'SEX' on the name selection screen. If you try, it gets changed to (depending of the character you choose): Fighter: 'CRASSUS' Cleric: 'GRELDON' Elf: 'LUCIÀ Magic user: 'SYOUS'
Victor Entertainment ha pubblicato un album della colonna sonora in edizione limitata di questo gioco (Dungeons & Dragons - Shadow Over Mystara - VICL-2169) on May 22, 1996.
AGGIORNAMENTI Scheda verde revisions:
Build date: 960206
Build date: 960223
Build date: 960619
Name Bug corrected (see 'Tips And Tricks' section for more info).
Bug: very beneficial trick in some cases but leads to lockups. Choose a character with a 6-character name (Blue Dwarf and possibly 2 others). Press the name button and then erase it and start pressing buttons to put your own letters in. The timer to enter your name will reset as long as you are pressing buttons to enter letters. What happens is that you can continue to enter more letters than the code expects and you begin to over-write the area of memory that contains character information and inventory. Depending on what letters you enter and how many you enter you can continue the game at the beginning of the next stage and already be hasted, invulnerable, invisible, possessing powerful weapons, etc... The character info on screen is all garbled. Once you make it to the first shop you can drag apparently empty inventory items into the trash for large sums of silver. The game will lock up quite frequently though - especially when you pick up items that hold specific places in memory. Try using about 110 ''M''s for a name. This glitch was removed with the later revision.
Dungeons & Dragons - Tower of Doom [Scheda verde] (1994)
Dungeons & Dragons - Shadow Over Mystara [Scheda verde] (1996)
STAFF Planners: Kenkun Kataoka, Malachie Creatore personaggi: Kinu Nishimura Object Designers: "S" is a Criminal, Hiroaki Minobe, Shinya Miyamoto, Dway Nishimura, Kanako Takami, Miwa Shigenaga, Toshihiro Suzuki, Kako, Masayo Tsujimoto, Tsunenori Shirahama, Ino, R. Sato, Sagata, Masanori Kondo, Shinji Sakashita (Shinz. Sakashita), Satoru Yamashita, Yosinori Yamamoto, Dja, Jon, Iwasaki Inukichi, Jun Matsumura (28) Scroll Designers: Nissui, Saru, Shake, Hisoya, S. Kuwatch, J. Son, Ojiji, Takky, Iwai, Meiko. K Compositore musica: Masato Koda Designer suono: Moe. T Effetti sonori: Moe. T, Hachi Bee, Satoshi Ise Sound Producer by Arcade Sound Team. Programmers: O.G.T, Kazuo Yamawaki, Motsu, Tora&Yume&Hide, Ryota Forever, K.A.T.S.U.O, Knishi-MadDogMc Original Script: Alex Jimenez
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Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara
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Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Japan 960223)
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