Russian handheld computer designed for teens. It features a QWERTY keyboard and its own two-way radio text messaging system. It had over 430 official freeware games and applications.
DATI TECNICI There were two models of the Classic Cybiko. Visually, the only difference was that the original version had a power switch on the side, whilst the updated version used the escape key for power management. Internally, the differences between the two models were in the internal memory and the firmware location.
The CPU was a Hitachi H8S/2241 clocked at 11.0592 MHz and the Cybiko Classic also had an Atmel AT90S2313 co-processor, clocked at 4 MHz to provide some support for RF communications. It came with 512KB flash memory-based ROM flash memory and 256KB RAM. It came with an add-on slot in the back.
Weight: 122g
Dimensions (L x W x H): 7.1 cm x 2.2 cm x 14.5 cm LCD display: 160x100 dots, 59x40 mm, 4 level grayscale
The Cybiko Classic came in five colors: blue, purple, neon green, white, and black. The black version had a yellow keypad, instead of the white unit found on other Cybikos.
CURIOSITÀ The Cybiko was introduced in the United States by David Yang’s company Cybiko Inc. as a retail test market in New York on April 2000, and rolled out nationwide in May 2000. By the end of 2000, the Cybiko Classic sold over 500,000 units.
The company stopped manufacturing the units after two product versions and only a few years on the market.
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Cybiko Classic
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