CPU principale: Motorola M6809 (@ 2 Mhz) CPU sonora: ADSP2105 (@ 10 Mhz) Chip sonori: DAC DMA-basato
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato nel Novembre 1997. 2,704 units were produced.
This is the first Solid-State pinball to have a disappearing pop bumper.
Watch the Video mode, as Ronnie jumps over a bunch of cows. One of the judges in the bonus sequence is a cow. Sometimes when you hit the Ringmaster, a moo is heard. There's a cow on the backglass, above the acrobat to the right. Sometimes the 1's digit on the display flips to a skull, a cow or a Tommy Ticket (from Ticket Tac Toe). In the Attract mode's history of the circus, a cow is mentioned in 2 places.
John Popadiuk can be seen as the Fabio-looking acrobat on the backglass.
Sample (Pre-productio)n version differences:
Misprint on Instruction Card (3rd line).
Changed CRANK marvel to SPIN, also 'Defeat all RINGMASTERS' in sample version is a decal, as opposed to printed on playfield.
Changed 'Acrobat' and 'Juggler' playfield lamp inserts to 'Acrobat Ready' and 'Juggler Ready'. These inserts where also changed from yellow to white.
Added into the production version the words 'Bally Hoo' in front of the yellow targets as well as changed 'Tickle The' to 'Defeat The' in front of the Ringmaster.
Small Ringmaster heads were changed from decals in the sample version to being printed on the playfield. The word Multiball is printed in black underneath each of the RingMaster Marvels.
The most obvious of them all. The Ringmaster was changed before production from a normal shaped head to a more cylinderical fat head to help prevent the ball from getting stuck behind him.
Added the letters S-P-I-N to the 4 blue lamp inserts in front of the spinner.
AGGIORNAMENTI Version 1.1 Date: November 19, 1997
When the game is set for Tournament mode, the same judges will always be selected.
Lamp effect when Join the Cirqus is ready does not dim the GI as much.
Added a TOTAL screen at the end of Cannon Ball Run.
Cannon Ball Run no longer gives Jackpots from the Cirqus Luck switch during Tournament mode.
Software for raising the Jet Bumper has been modified to put less stress on the Solenoid fuse (F103).
Added User Test for the ramp lockup. It is possible to release 1 or all balls, and watch the switches.
Improved choreography when the Ringmaster Magnet does not catch the ball.
Fixed a bug where tilting during Side-Show would not kick the ball out of the popper.
Fixed a bug that could rarely cause players scores in a multiplayer.
Version 1.3 Date: April 17, 1998
Tilt now ends the side-show.
If the Ringmaster Magnet fails to catch the ball, the short ball-saver is started as soon as the miss is detected (Only if the adjustment is set).
Added adjustment (A.2 33) to lower the scoring during the Ringmaster Battle mode. Setting the game in Tournament mode causes reduced scoring as well.
Added adjustment (A.2 34) to set how locked balls are kicked out after a game.
NEVER - Balls never kick out. INSTANT - Balls kickout after MATCH (German/French default). DELAYED - Balls kickout 1 minute after MATCH (Default).
Ringmaster Battle now correctly handles tilt.
BOOM marvel is NOT spotted if BOOM is already running.
If Juggler and Neon multiballs start together, the Juggler marvel is now correctly awarded.
Added Improved ball search and missing ball compensation. game to disappear.
Version 1.4 Date: October 14, 1998
Fixed a bug that could cause the machine to reset after the 200th Menagerie award.
Updated system to fix a bug that could cause extra balls to be served if the plunger lane switch is broken.
The Ringmaster award lights would sometimes be left blinking after playing Ringmaster Battle.
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI In Attract mode, press one of these codes: B, 3L, 10R, 19R, 1L (CJS) B, 16L, 1R, 2L, 1R (PAB)
STAFF Concept: John Popadiuk (POP) Designers: John Popadiuk, Cameron Silver (CJS) Artwork: Linda Deal (LTD) Software: Cameron Silver Punti/Animazione: Adam Rhine, Brian Morris Mechanical Engineer: Jack Skalon Mechanical Designer: Louis Toy Music: Rob Berry (ROB), Dave Zabriskie (ZAB) Sounds: Rob Berry
Dot Concept: John Trudeau (Dr. Flash) B/W Neon: Jim Meehan Effects: Buzz Neon Voices: Cathy Schenkelberg, Mark Maclean, Rob Berry, Jon Hey, Cameron Silver Ringraziamenti speciali: Terry Pratchett, Mark Weyna, Mike Patla P.C.B Design: Butch Ortega Publications: Karen Trybula, Nina Clemente, Norma Rodriguez Regulatory: Herb Foss WMS Service: Tom Cahill, Jim Kline, Greg McKay Model Shop: Al Cardenas, Mark Johnson, Ted Chmiola, Mike Laporte, Larry Peters, Dwen Larcen, Dennis Saunders, One Arm Joe Manufacturing: Jerry Bartol, Laura Polonco, Bob Rapata, Dave Ryon, Emmanuel Kurian Sculptures: John Balogh Electrical Wizards: Chuck Bleich, Brian Magruder Prototype Lab: Jim Shird, Jose Delgado Cables: Bill Thompson C.N.C Models: Wally Roeder Supporto software: Larry DeMar, Ted Estes, Bill Grupp, Lyman F. Sheats, Dwight Sullivan, Louis Koziarz, Tom Uban, Matt Coriale Sound Support: Andy Eloff Engineering Support: John McCaffer, Elaine Johnson Purchasing Support: Ron Summers, Dale Prasse, Thomas Murphy, Randy Melind Prototype Testing: Mike Mendes, Cameron 'Dawn' Silver Cirqus Kings: Ken Fedesna, Neil Nicastro, Larry DeMar, Jim Patla, Joe Dillon, Rachel Davies Testing Support: Darren Walker Cirqus Legends: Joe Joos Jr., John Popadiuk Sr., Jerry Pinsler Translations: Global Languages and Cultures, Inc. Translators: Karin Bauchrowitz, Maryl Eubanks, Alan Murillo
Xbox Live (4 Apr. 2012) "The Pinball Arcade" Sony PSN (10 Apr. 2012) "The Pinball Arcade"
MAC OS [Mac App Store] (2012)
Apple Store (9 Feb. 2012) "The Pinball Arcade" Android (10 Feb. 2012) "The Pinball Arcade"
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=5260&o=2
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