Championship Sprint is an updated version of the old Atari Sprint series, with the added ability for players to upgrade their vehicles as the game progresses. Upgrades are won by collecting the bonus wrenches that appear once during each race, and once players have collected four wrenches, they will be presented with an upgrade screen; allowing them to choose better traction, top speed, acceleration, or a faster helicopter.
Collisions with barriers should, of course, be avoided, as they invariably cost the player valuable time. Also; a direct, head-on collision can cause the players' vehicles to explode - particularly if the player is moving at speed when this happens. In the event of a car exploding, a helicopter will automatically airlift a replacement vehicle to the track; this replacement will retain any previous upgrades made by the player. Waiting for the replacement car takes precious time and allows rival drivers to gain a distinct advantage. Car replacement time can be shortened upgrading the helicopter.
The tracks themselves are all variations on the basic 'oval', with gates, jumps, ramps and crossroads ensuring a demanding, yet incredibly playable game.
DATI TECNICI ID gioco: 136045
Runs on the "Atari System 2" hardware.
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Steering wheel with gas pedal
CURIOSITÀ Championship Sprint è stato rilasciato nel Settembre 1986 in memoria di George Opperman (1935-1985). Il Sig. Opperman è stato il primo artista assunto da Atari e il creatore del logo Atari.
Sono state prodotte negli USA 2.599 unità dedicate. Il prezzo di vendita era di $2.795. Also, 996 conversion kits were produced. Selling price: $995.
Sprint 2 (1976)
Sprint 8 (1977)
Sprint 4 (1977)
Sprint One (1978)
Super Sprint (1986)
Championship Sprint (1986)
BadLands (1990)
STAFF Designers and programmers: Robert Weatherby, Kelly Turner Animators: Will Noble, Kris Moser, Sam Comstock Technicians: Dave Wiebenson, Minh Nguyen Audio: Hal Canon
Sony PlayStation 2 [AU] (2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2" [US] Microsoft XBOX (11 ott. 2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2 [Modello MWO-3201W]" Nintendo GameCube [US] (11 ott. 2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2 [Modello DOL-GAYE-USA]" [US] Sony PS2 (11 ott. 2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2 [Modello SLUS-20997]" [EU] Microsoft XBOX (29 ott. 2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2" [EU] Sony PS2 (29 ott. 2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2 [Modello SLES-52844]" Sony PlayStation 3 [PSN] [US] (31 mag. 2007) Sony PlayStation 3 [PSN] [EU] (29 giu. 2007) Microsoft XBOX 360 [US] (6 nov. 2012) "Midway Arcade Origins" Sony PlayStation 3 [US] (6 nov. 2012) "Midway Arcade Origins [Modello BLUS-31083]" [EU] Microsoft XBOX 360 (15 nov. 2012) "Midway Arcade Origins" Sony PlayStation 3 [EU] (15 nov. 2012) "Midway Arcade Origins [Modello BLES-01768]"
[US] Sony PSP (13 dic. 2005) "Midway Arcade Treasures Extended Play [Modello ULUS-10059]" [EU] Sony PSP (24 feb. 2006) "Midway Arcade Treasures Extended Play [Modello ULES-00180]"
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Championship Sprint
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Championship Sprint (German, rev 1)
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