CURIOSITÀ After the disastrous release of RCA Studio II, RCA immediately started to work on an updated version of the console. The new version was set to have better graphics, color capabilities and a better sound, while remaining backward compatible with the previous version. By September 1977, programming guide for the RCA Studio III was already available. New titles such as Biorhythm and Math fun were actually backward compatible RCA Studio III games released for the RCA Studio II. The work on the Studio III was almost completed with fully functional prototype being showcased by RCA.
But the with the release of the Atari VCS, Bally Astrocade, the APF MP1000 and the upcoming Magnavox Odyssey², it became clear that RCA was about to make the same mistake it made with the RCA Studio II: release an inferior console that the competition. With the sales of the RCA Studio II plummeting, RCA had already lost huge sums of money in the video game adventure. Deciding not to pursue with the RCA Studio III was not an easy choice as the company had already spent a fortune in R&D over this project. RCA was therefore looking for someone interested in taking over the RCA Studio III. RCA who had already licensed the RCA Studio II in Japan to Toshiba (released under the name Visicom C-100), understood that if the RCA Studio III would have any chance of success, it needed to be exported. In the late 70s, the U.S. was crawling with new video game console, but in the rest of the world, the pong-like console were still kings. With little to no competition, the RCA Studio III could take a good share of the market. But RCA had no intention of gambling any more money in this adventure. Instead, they struck a deal with the Conic Group. Under the leadership of its founder Alex Au Yan-din the Conic Group became the largest electronics manufacturer in Hong Kong which at its peak had annual turnover of over HK$1 billion, over 40 subsidiaries, over 12000 employees.
In April 1978, Conic signed a licensing deal that included the right to produce 200,000 units based on the RCA Studio III intellectual properties. The deal included all the games released for the RCA Studio II plus Bingo, Star Wars, Concentration Match and Pinball. It wasn’t long before Conic had a fully working prototype and by June, the system would be presented to the CES 1978 in Chicago. Code-named “Victory-3”, the console was presented by Accurate Electronics Industry Ltd, a Conic subsidiary with offices in the U.S.
Conic was already a well-established company in the video game industries having released hundreds of video games pong-like consoles under different brands. Conic used their subsidiaries such as Soundic Electronics and other affiliates to distribute the console in different countries (see the consoles list below). The console was released around the same time as the 1292 Advanced Programmable Video System line of console which rapidly took over the console market segment in Europe and Australia.
The line of consoles put out by Conic was short-lived and no games outside the launch titled were ever released. It’s unknown if Conic even manage to sell the 200,000 units of the initial agreement, but it appears the agreement was never extended.
Console list divided into 3 types:
1) M-1200 series: Most of the Studio III variations use the same mol)
Conic M-1200 (Hong Kong)
Sheen M-1200 Micro-Computer (Australia)
Trevi M-1200 Micro-Computer (Italy)
Mustang 9016 Telespiel Computer (Germany)
2) Academy Apollo 80 (UK): has it own unique mold which is very similar to the M1200 series but except with square edges instead of round one.
3) MPT-02 series: have a more elaborate design for its console, including detachable controller.
Hanimex Jeu TV Programmable (France)
Soundic Victory Home TV Programmer (Hong Kong)
Game List:
Here's a list of all 14 RCA Studio II and III games released for the Conic console line. It's to be noted that all consoles had their unique numbering schemes. Baseball Bingo Biorhythm Concentration Computer Quiz Fun with Numbers Gun Fight/Moon Ship Grand Pack (include the 4 built-in games. Sold with the Hanimex version as it didn’t come with the built-in games). Math Fun Pinball Spacewar Intercept Speedway/Tag Star Wars Tennis/Squash
The 4 built-in games (Freeway and Addition are replaced by Blackjack games): Doodle Patterns Bowling Black Jack 1 & 2
For technical info on all these consoles see the Hanimex "Jeu TV Programmable MPT-02" entry.
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M-1200 (?)
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