[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=cawingj&type=ingame[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=cawingj]U.S. Navy (Japan 901012) (romset cawingj) on Arcade Database[/url]
U.S. Navy is a horizontally-scrolling shoot-em-up for one or two players set in the 1990s, a decade of great change marked by growing friendships between old enemies and never before seen levels of co-operation between powerful nations of the world. However, in 1997, using new weapons designed in secrecy, the Middle Eastern country of 'Rabu' threatens to destroy this new and fragile peace.
Players chose to pilot any one of three different jet fighters and must battle their way through ten enemy-packed stages. Each fighter has a fuel bar which is full at the start of each stage but gradually decreases, additional fuel is lost each time the fighter takes damage from an enemy.
Bonus points and money based on player performance are awarded at the end of each stage, the money can then be used to upgrade the player jet's weapons and shields.
The three player-selectable jet fighters are:
F/A-18 Hornet - The most balanced aircraft available. It can handle air-to-air and air-to-ground sorties.
F-14 Tomcat - Dedicated air-to-air fighter. Not as capable in air-to-ground combat but it is a formidable fighter.
A-6 Intruder - Principle ground attack aircraft. It is not well suited for air-to-air.
DATI TECNICI Runs on the "CP System" hardware B-Board ID: 89625B-1
Giocatori: Up to 2 Controllo per giocatore: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti per giocatore: 2 → [1] Shoot, [2] Special Weapon
CURIOSITÀ U.S. Navy è stato rilasciato nelle sale giochi giapponesi nell'Ottobre 1990. Era noto lì come il 12th video game made for the CP-S system.
Known export release: "Carrier Airwing [B-Board 89624B-3]"
Pony Canyon / Scitron hanno pubblicato un album della colonna sonora in edizione limitata di questo gioco il 21 Marzo 1991 (Street Fighter II: G.S.M. Capcom 4 - PCCB-00056).
Real Ending: beat the game in one credit.
Secret items:
Mission 2: White Mech (10000 pts) - After the large helicopter and when the suspended road finished, go up quickly and shoot.
Mission 3: Rabbit (20000 pts) - Shoot on the 9th tree or release a bomb. Cow (10000 pts) - Destroy the ground monticule in top of the hill right after the 9th tree (you can make turns to the cow by shooting on). Man (6000 pts) - Shoot between the base of the mountain and the cuirassier.
Mission 6: Snowman (4000 pts) - Shoot at the base of the 4th iceberg.
Mission 7: Small bear (8000 pts) - Towards the end of the level, shoot at the middle of the 1st gray mountain, just before the 1st volcano.
Mission 8: Mech with a flag (20000 pts) - Release a bomb behind the second house.
Mission 9: Red Mech (10000 pts) - Shoot at the base of the fortress wall. Yashichi - Destroy the red turret located on a footbridge.
Mission 10: Yashichi - Destroy the red turret located at the top of the engines.
Area 88 [CP-S No. 06] (1989)
U.S. Navy [CP-S No. 12] (1990)
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=3014&o=2
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U.S. Navy
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U.S. Navy (Japan 901012)
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