Caliber Fifty is a multi-directional scrolling shoot-em-up for one or two players taking on the roles of captured US pilots who have been taken prisoner during the Vietnam war in 1972. The pilots must escape the prison compound by battling enemy soldiers and vehicles, including tanks planes and helicopters.
The game is very similar in play to SNK's Ikari and Heavy Barrel games, with players able to fully rotate their on-screen characters to fire and move in all directions. Players are initially armed with a machine gun and limited number of grenades but power-ups - including a rocket launcher, a flamethrower and grenades - can be found in the destructible wooden crates that litter the stages.
Enemy vehicles such as a plane can also be commandeered and the stages take place both above ground in the Vietnamese jungles and below ground in hidden tunnels. Caliber Fifty is a quite short but very challenging game, with constantly spawning enemies attacking from all sides.
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato negli USA nel Settembre 1989.
All the speech in the game are the voice of Jun Aida.
STAFF Prodotto da: Jun Fujimoto Directed by: Noboru Miyamari Screen play by: Noboru Miyamari Based on the Novels by Viet Nam 1972. Art direction: Mitsuhiro Takeda Music direction: Tak Suzuki (Goblin Sound) Original music composers (Goblin Sound): Hiroshi Taguchi, Tak Suzuki, Zero Yotsumoto Sound effects editor: Noboru Miyanari Sound mixer / editor: Tak Suzuki (Goblin Sound) Programmatore suono: Noboru Miyanari Titles: Mitsuhiro Takeda Hardware designer: Nobuyuki Nonaka Custom chip designed by Digital Magic Lab. Programmer: Noboru Miyanari Creatori personaggi: Mitsuhiro Takeda, Asako Kumura, Miyuki Kasajima Background designer: Tomokazu Sunaga Special effects: KII System Controller designers: Yoshikazu Ikegai Assemblers: Akihiro Aranaga, Toshio Sasho and many others Marketing: Tohru Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Ota Parts department: Mikio Harada, Masayuki Iwata Graphic tools designed by: Hiroyuki Watanabe Development system designed by: Keiji Ishikawa
Sega Mega Drive
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Caliber 50
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Caliber 50 (Ver. 1.01)
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