Four great heroes: a fighter, a wizard, a cleric and a ninja go on a quest to rescue the captured princess. This Taito adventure game feature all the ingredients of a traditional role-playing game (stats, exp, buy upgrade in store...).
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 2
CURIOSITÀ Anche se la schermata del titolo riporta 1989, Cadash è stato rilasciato nel Marzo 1990.
Pony Canyon / Scitron hanno pubblicato un album della colonna sonora in edizione limitata di questo gioco il 21 Ottobre 1990 (Cameltry, Cadash - PCCB-00043).
AGGIORNAMENTI The Japanese and US versions are harder. Here are the main differences from the other revisions:
Medical herbs cost 200 gold each instead of 20.
Each character can carry only 4 herbs instead of 8. This also applies to antidotes.
Some of the priestess' magic are toned down. The shield spell can take less hits before disappearing, and the time spell gives 30 seconds instead of 60.
Inns get more expensive after a few uses. Their progressive price is 50, 200, 1,000, 6,000, 30,000 and 60,000 instead of 50, 200, 1,000, 2,000 and 5,000.
The Amulet of Dragon gives 10,000 gold instead of 60,000.
There are many spelling and syntax errors in the French version texts.
Characters list:
Fighter: Best offensive and defensive power. Cannot use magic.
Mage: Weak physical strength but strong attack magic.
Priest: Uses defensive magic and has great endurance, but has weak offensive powers.
Ninja: Uses thrown weapons and has excellent agility. Cannot use magic.
Debug Mode (in Debug Mode, you will be able to select starting scene, gold, EXP and several items):
1) Hold Service Switch and reset the game. 2) Wait until 'Service Switch Error Message' is displayed, then push 'Start(x3), Service, Start'. 3) The game boots up then insert a credit and select a character. 4) Enter Debug Mode instead of starting the game.
Your character jumps backwards when hit by an enemy. When you're trying to quickly cross some areas where you're likely to take damage, this can be a bad thing; it can cause you to stay in the dangerous area much longer. So, to reduce the damage, turn back just before you get hit. This will cause the impact to push you -forward-, getting you out of danger more quickly.
The maximum amount of money you can have is 60,000 Golds.
STAFF Prodotto da: Keisuke Hasegawa Directed by: Onijust Director of Software: Toru Sugawara (SGW) Programmatore principale: Tarabar Hori (TAK) Monster Programmer: Yuichi Kohyama Trap Programer: Masaki Yagi (YMOT) (MYG) Scenario Programmer: Seiichi Taikoishi Production Designer: Onijust (ONJ) Grafici: Onijust (ONJ), Takatsuna Senba, Hisakazu Katoh, Kozo Igarashi, Yoshihiro Iwata, Tetsuya Shinoda, Takayuki Ogawa, Kenichi Imaeda Assistant Graphic Design: Visual Arts Production Supervising Editor: Masaki Yagi (YMOT) Map Editor: Onijust Ingegnere hardware: Tadashi Kushiro Electrician: Tomio Takeda Sound Producer: Pochi (Zuntata) Compositore musica: Pinch Punch Effetti sonori: Pinch Punch Mechanician: Yasunori Hatsuta Publicity Supervisor: Kazuo Nakagawa Software Analyzers: Hidehiro Fujiwara, Yuji Hiroshige Data Entry: Mari Iwano Designer gioco: Onijust
[JP] NEC PC-Engine (jan.18, 1991) "Cadash [Modello TP02015]" [US] NEC TurboGrafx-16 (1991) "Cadash [Modello WTG040501]" [US] Sega Genesis (1992) "Cadash [Modello T-11086]" [KO] Sega Mega Drive (1992) "Cadash" by Samsung [JP] Sony PS2 (25 ago. 2005) "Taito Memories Gekan [Modello SLPM-66092]" [EU] Microsoft XBOX (31 mar. 2006) "Taito Legends 2"
[EU] PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (31 mar. 2006) "Taito Legends 2" [US] PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (10 lug. 2007) "Taito Legends 2"
[US] Nokia N-Gage "Taito Memories": release cancelled
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Cadash (Japan, rev 1)
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