F-Zero AX is to be considered the arcade counterpart to F-Zero GX on the Nintendo GameCube.
F-Zero AX takes place in distant future where racing machines have advanced technologically, able to reach speeds of over 2000 km/h. Drivers now race in hovercars that hug above the track. Tracks can include loops, jumps, and various hazards. The racing formula still stays the same as the player must outdrive twenty-nine other racers.
Players can obtain a 'F-Zero License Card' where they can save custom machine data, race points, and obtain a password used for Internet rankings.
Players can also plug in Nintendo GameCube memory cards that contain data from F-Zero GX. Data such as track records and vehicle customizations can be exchanged between the two games. Exchanging data also unlocks a new cup and addition vehicles/parts for the GameCube version.
DATI TECNICI Runs on the Sega's "Triforce" hardware. ID DISCO: GDT-0004
AX comes in 3 cabinets:
The basic racing cabinet
Deluxe is shaped like Captain Falcon's race machine, with a tilting seat that simulates the machine's cockpit
Monster Ride utilizes a machine named "Cycraft", featuring a rocker arm that pivots and rolls the cabinet, giving the best racing simulation
CURIOSITÀ The development name of this game was 'F-Zero AC' (AC for ArCade).
F-Zero AX was shown for very first time at the 2003 AOU Amusement Expo show, in Giappone. It was then released in June 2003.
On the first Port Town stage, giant robots can be seen unloading cargo in the background. But they're not just any robots - they're based on ROB the Robot, the NES peripheral. It is the colour of the Japanese Famicom version.
One of the drivers, Mr. EAD, is named after Shigeru Miyamoto's development studio at Nintendo (Entertainment Analysis & Development). The character bears an intentional resemblance to Mario, with a bushy moustache and a Starman on his belt.
Another driver, James McCloud, is inspired by the Star Fox series. Despite being human, he wears full Star Fox uniform, shares a name with Fox McCloud's father, and his racer - Little Wyvern - is based on the Arwing fighter craft. His pilot bio says he is leader of the 'Galaxy Dogs'.
The Blue Falcon appears as an unlockable kart in Mario Kart Wii (2008, Nintendo Wii).
Scitron Digital Content ha pubblicato un album della colonna sonora in edizione limitata di questo gioco il 22/07/2004 (F-Zero GX/AX Original Soundtracks - SCDC-00358~359).
F-Zero [Modello SHVC-FZ] (1991, SFC)
BS F-Zero 2 - Grand Prix (1997, SFC)
F-Zero X [Modello NUS-CFZJ-JPN] (1998, N64)
F-Zero for Game Boy Advance [Modello AGB-AFZJ-JPN] (2001, GBA)
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F-Zero AX
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F-Zero AX (Rev E) (GDT-0004E)
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