[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=dkongjr&type=ingame[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=dkongjr]Donkey Kong Junior (US set F-2) (romset dkongjr) on Arcade Database[/url]
<a href='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=dkongjr'><img alt='' src='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=dkongjr&type=ingame'><br/>Donkey Kong Junior (US set F-2) (romset dkongjr) on Arcade Database</a>
Export release for North America. Gioco sviluppato in Giappone. Per maggiori informazioni su questo gioco, please see the "Donkey Kong Jr." (Japanese version) entry.
DATI TECNICI Upright model Modello # DJR1-UP
CURIOSITÀ Donkey Kong Junior è stato rilasciato negli USA nel Settembre 1982.
The Japanese version, as well as some bootleg versions, have the suffix abbreviated in the printed title rather than fully spelled out ("Donkey Kong Jr.").
Donkey Kong Junior spawned a cartoon series of the same name: Ruby-Spears Productions. Produced By Joe Ruby, Ken Spears. Originally aired September 17, 1983 as part of 'Saturday Supercade' on CBS.
AGGIORNAMENTI In these versions featuring the suffix fully spelled out in the title screen ('Junior.'):
You are only allowed to enter a name up to three letters long in the High Score list (instead of twelve).
In the Vines and Chains stages, Red Snapjaws regenerate at Mario's feet after being killed by fruit starting in L4 (instead of L5).
The Japanese boards have all four screens displayed in their original, logical order 1-2-3-4. For the US board, it was changed to somewhat match the original Donkey Kong's 'How High Can You Try/Get?' theme with the screen order as follows: L1: 1-4 (Springboard and Mario's Hideout stages both omitted) L2: 1-2-4 (Mario's Hideout stage omitted) L3: 1-3-4 (Springboard stage omitted) From L4 onward, all four stages are displayed in order, as in the Japanese version.
Donkey Kong (1981)
Donkey Kong Junior (1982)
Donkey Kong 3 (1983)
CONVERSIONI NOTE: Only ports released in North America are listed here. For ports released in other regions, please see the Japanese version's entry.
[US] Colecovision (1982) "Donkey Kong Junior [Modello 2601]" [US] Mattel Intellivision (1983) "Donkey Kong Jr [Modello 2671]" [US] Atari 2600 (1983) "Donkey Kong Junior [Modello 2653]" Atari XEGS [US] Nintendo NES (giu. 1986) "Donkey Kong Jr. [Modello NES-JR-USA]" [US] Atari 7800 (1988) "Donkey Kong Jr. [Modello CX7849]"
[US] Atari 800 (1º giu. 1984) "Donkey Kong Junior [Modello RX8040]" [US] Tandy Color Computer (1983) "Junior's Revenge" [US] Tandy Color Computer 3 (1986) "Return of Junior's Revenge"
[US] LCD tabletop game (1983) "Donkey Kong Junior [Modello 2398]" [US] LCD Game & Watch (1983) "Donkey Kong Jr. [Modello CJ-93]" [US] Tabletop Game (1983) "Donkey Kong Jr [Modello CJ-71]"
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=669&o=2
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Donkey Kong Junior
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Donkey Kong Junior (US set F-2)
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