You are a knight named Don. Your girlfriend, Isabella, has been captured by an evil witch who is holding her hostage. You have a sword for a weapon and a sidekick named Sancho. You must battle your way to the evil witch's hideout and save Isabella.
The game plays exactly like Dragon's Lair, where a joystick moves your character if pushed in the correct direction when prompted, or wields a sword/weapon when needed to kill enemies. It also contains many "death scenes" that play for when you screw up.
TECHNICAL This game uses a laser disc. It runs on what Universal called "Laser System 1"
Main CPU: Zilog Z80 Sound Chips: SN76496, Custom
Players: 2 Buttons: 1
TRIVIA Released in November 1984.
While featuring similar gameplay and a plot to Dragon's Lair, this stepped things up a notch on the violence, featuring blood when many enemies are slashed in half or decapitated by the player.
This was the one and only laserdisc game that Universal produced, despite advertising several other games, including a racing title called Top Gear and what would have been an animated Mr. Do! game called Adventure Mr. Do!
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Super Don Quix-ote
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Super Don Quix-ote (Long Scenes)
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