The sequel to the hugely successful original finds the evil Bydo Empire once again intent on the destruction of all mankind in this sideways scrolling, six-level shoot-em-up.
The innovative weapons system of the original game - the 'Beam Weapon' and 'Force Pod' - make a welcome return and remain unchanged for the sequel.
The tight, demanding gameplay and high emphasis on correct usage of the weapons system also return - although the sequel is, if anything, even more demanding than its already unforgiving predecessor; with more durable enemies and trickier level design.
RType II features three new weapon shot types:
Green - Search Laser - fires semi-homing lasers that can bend at 45° angles.
Grey - Shotgun Laser - fires large shells that travel a short distance before exploding powerfully.
Scatter Bomb - drops bombs to the ground; when these explode, the explosion scatters forwards along the ground. This is a supporting weapon that can be equipped instead of missiles.
In addition to the new weapons, R-type II's Beam Weapon has received an upgrade. As with the first game, holding down the fire button makes a power gauge fill up, releases the button then unleashes a powerful plasma shot. For the sequel, however, continuing to hold down the button causes the gauge to charge up further. This 'double-charged' gauge flashes blue and red and releases an even more powerful plasma burst.
TECHNICAL Irem M-82 system hardware (Japanese version has M-84 written on the board).
[JP] Nintendo Super Famicom (jul.13, 1991) "Super RType [Model SHVC-SR]" [US] Nintendo SNES (sept.1991) "Super RType [Model SNS-SR]" [EU] Nintendo SNES (june.4, 1992) "Super RType [Model SNSP-SR]" [US] [EU] Nintendo Game Boy (1992) [JP] Nintendo Game Boy (dec.11, 1992) "RType II [Model DMG-RZA]" [JP] Sony PlayStation (feb.5, 1998) "RTypes [Model SLPS-01236]" [EU] Sony PlayStation (sept.1998) "RTypes [Model SLES-01355]" [US] Sony PlayStation (feb.28, 1999) "RTypes [Model SLUS-00753]" Nintendo Game Boy Color [US] (june.1999) "RType DX [Model DMG-AWHE-USA]" Nintendo Game Boy Color [EU] (jul.20, 1999) "RType DX [Model DMG-AWHP-EUR]" Nintendo Game Boy Color [JP] (nov.1999) "RType DX [Model DMG-ARUJ-JPN]" [JP] Sony PlayStation (oct.25, 2001) "RTypes I-II [R's Best] [Model SLPS-03310]" Nintendo Wii [Virtual Console] [JP] (jan.29, 2008) [Model JBYJ] Super Famicom version Nintendo Wii [Virtual Console] [EU] (mar.14, 2008) [Model JBYP] SNES version Nintendo Wii [Virtual Console] [US] (mar.17, 2008) [Model JBYE] SNES version Nintendo Wii [Virtual Console] [KO] (aug.12, 2008) [Model JBYK] Super Comboy version
[EU] Commodore Amiga (1991) [EU] Atari ST (1991)
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R-Type II
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R-Type II (Japan, bootleg M82 conversion)
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