Frenzy Express is a fast paced simulation game that builds on the worldwide fad 'Scooters'. The machine's biggest feature is the level of interaction the player gets.
The machine contains a actual scooter which the player uses to travel around the stages. The handlebar enables the player to steer and the brake is locate at the back of the scooter. Acceleration is achieved by a wheel with grips, which is located on both sides of the scooter. The player push off the wheel much like he/she would push off the ground if you were riding a real scooter.
Gameplay is similar to Sega's "Crazy Taxi", except instead of picking up and dropping off passengers, the player is a courier and must pick up and drop off packages. The way you reach the drop off point is entirely up to the player, but there is a time limit and each second that ticks by means less money at the drop off point.
To make the game more fun, there are many ramp and other object suitable for jumping and performing aerial acrobatics which earns the player bonus points.
Licensed to ICE (Innovative Concepts in Entertainment) for distribution in North America, South America and the Middle East.
This company was previously named 'Unico Eletronics' and was changed to 'Uniana' in 2000. "Frenzy Express" was the first game developed by Uniana after the name change.
Michael Jackson used to own this game (Serial number FXUS-002360). It was sold at the official Michael Jackson Auction on Apr. 24th, 2009.
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Frenzy Express
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