Watch out for the guardrail! You're behind the wheel of your formula one racer about to start the world's toughest grand prix. Try to stay alive through city streets and country roads. Start your engine -- the start lights are counting down!
You have a choice of two game play options. They are:
GAME 1: You play against the clock. You goal is to drive the course in as little time as possible. Each crash wastes valuable time, but you can have an unlimited number of crashes.
GAME 2: Your goal is to accumulate as many points as possible. You gain points for speed and miles traveled over the course before losing 5 race cars.
Controls Joystick: Controls position of your race car on the track. Button 1: Up shift. Button 2: Down shift. Button 3: Brake. Button 4: Accelerator.
SCORING In GAME 1, your score is the amount of time in seconds it takes you to complete the entire course. The lower your time, the better you drove.
In GAME 2, points are earned for the miles you travel as well as your speed. The higher your score, the better you drove.
TIPS AND TRICKS Automatic Play: If you do not start your car on its route within 15 seconds, the car will begin to travel by itself. However, you can take over command of the racer by just using the joystick and buttons.
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