Can you save the galaxy by blowing up the alien-inhabited planet... and get off the planet before you explode? You must burrow deep inside, finding your way through the underground maze while battling the Planet Protectors. If you can get to the center, plant your one bomb and try to find your way out. It's only a matter of seconds before the planet goes BOOM!
Controls Joystick: Rotates your ship. Pulling back releases bomb in center chamber. Button 1: Drill. Button 2: Shield. Button 3: Thrust. Button 4: Fire.
TRIVIA This was the first home game ever to be ported from the home to the arcade.
SCORING Destroying Planet Protector: 80 points Destroying Planet Protector after first cavern: 80 points + 10 for each additional cavern Drilling to next cavern: 25 points Getting to next cavern while escaping planet: 100 points Completion of successful mission: 1000 points
TIPS AND TRICKS Hidden message: A developer credit can be accessed by holding 1 + 2 + 4 on the title screen until the music ends.
STAFF Programmed by: William Havkins
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