Your home galaxy has been invaded by alien colonists hoping to claim all inhabited worlds as their own. Unacceptable!
You have been given the ultimate responsibility of protecting your galactic neighbors from the invaders. Blasting the aliens with the amazing anti-molecular cannon transports them thousands of light years away where they cause no further bedlam. But beware, the invaders will be increasingly ruthless.
The future of the galaxy rests on your shoulders. Good luck!
TECHNICAL Model 3305
Controls Joystick: Rotates your cannon. Button 1: Fast Rotate. Button 2: Zap. Removes all aliens in a pattern. Only one zap per pattern. Button 3: Fast Rotate. Button 4: Fire.
TRIVIA Even if ingame copyright says 1982, the game was released in 1983.
TIPS AND TRICKS Hidden Message: A developer credit can be accessed by holding 1 + 2 + 4 on the title screen until the music ends. Part of the song 'Dixie' will play during this message.
Extra ship: Awarded at every 10,000 points.
STAFF Programed by: William Havkins
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