[url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mess=ogrebatljp&list=snes]Densetsu no Ogre Battle - The March of the Black Queen (Japan, prototype) (romset ogrebatljp) on Arcade Database[/url]
[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mess=ogrebatljp&type=ingame&list=snes[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mess=ogrebatljp&list=snes]Densetsu no Ogre Battle - The March of the Black Queen (Japan, prototype) (romset ogrebatljp) on Arcade Database[/url]
<a href='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mess=ogrebatljp&list=snes'>Densetsu no Ogre Battle - The March of the Black Queen (Japan, prototype) (romset ogrebatljp) on Arcade Database</a>
<a href='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mess=ogrebatljp&list=snes'><img alt='' src='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mess=ogrebatljp&type=ingame&list=snes'><br/>Densetsu no Ogre Battle - The March of the Black Queen (Japan, prototype) (romset ogrebatljp) on Arcade Database</a>
STAFF Character and Tarot Card Designed By: Akihiko Yoshida Main Graphics Design and Image Effects By: Hiroshi Minagawa Character Animation By: Satoshi Tetsuka Battlefield Designed By: Masanori Hara Graphics Designed By: Akihiko Yoshida, S. Teranishi, Y. Koyanagi, Kazutaka Matsuda Battle Mode Programming By: N. Morioka Main Field Programming By: T. Sato, M. Ogawa Sub Programming By: Tatsuya Azeyagi Music Composed By: Masaharu Iwata, Hitoshi Sakimoto (YmoH.S), Hayato Matsuo Sound Manipulated By: Toshiaki Imai Assistant Planner: Koba Kazu, Kasuyuki Ogura, T. Katoh Radio Actors: Lily Chow, Darren Jhoner Additional Programming: Tomohiko Satou, Tony Mizukami, Junichi Matsumoto, Infinity Co. Ltd Development Supervisor Ogre Battle USA: Robert L. Jerauld Enix America Staff: Tsuneo Morita, Paul Bowler, Paul Handelman, Robert L. Jerauld Planned By: Yasumi Matsuno Directed By: Yasumi Matsuno Executive Producer: Takayuki Kamikura, Shouichi Iida
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Densetsu no Ogre Battle - The March of the Black Queen (Japan, prototype)
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