There's nothing more emblematic of the Holiday seasons than the cozy feeling you get waking to a fire and conifer brimming under with presents. That feeling of togetherness and warmth and holiday spirit shared while singing songs of the season with friends and family.
Looking for excitement this winter? Gas up your racing sled and dress extra warm for this years 8 BIT XMAS title Exciteduck!
Race up to 4 ducks at a time, CPU or human controlled! Tracks are randomly generated so each race is new. First to the finish line wins, or battle for high scores!
TECHNICAL GAME ID: RET-Y1-GBL (self-assigned)
TRIVIA This is the only 8 Bit Xmas game with a single background song, a cover of "Run Rudolph Run" by Chuck Berry. The song changes tempo to match the speed of the lead racer.
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8-bit Xmas 2021
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