For many generations, rumors have persisted of a small, well-hidden island known as Kasumi, which has produced the world's most renowned ninjas. With the help of the Preeminent Celestials, the island is kept shrouded in secrecy. An impenetrable wall of mist surrounds the island, making it undetectable to modern technology. Those who find the island uninvited, are never heard from again.
All your life you have trained hard in body and spirit at the only home you have known: the Dragon Cloud Temple on Kasumi Island. At the temple you are trained by the Elders, a group of three wise and powerful Ninjas. This group of Elders consists on Hiei, who embodies the lighter aspects of human nature; Kaioh, who embodies the aspect of indifference; and Gyaku, who embodies the darker side of human nature. This balance of good and evil is what keeps the portal to the netherworld closed.
Using the blackest magic, Gyaku eliminate the other two Elders, throwing the cosmic forces out of alignment. When this happened, the gate to the demon world was blown open and Gyaku became possessed by the most powerful demon in the netherworld. With this power, Gyaku could destroy the Earth!
Your fate has been preordained by the Celestials to fulfill a great and terrible prophecy. You were told of this by the Elders when you were very young. Throughout your life you wondered what it meant. Now you are sure it is your destiny to defeat Gyaku, close the gate to the netherworld and restore balance to the universe.
The Celestials cannot help you directly, but they have blessed you with the power of absorbing other's abilities. To gain these abilities, you must defeat a variety of champions representing the best fighters in the world. They have been chosen by the Celestials to aid you in your quest. Only through persistence and preseverance, you will have a chance to challenge Gyaku.
STAFF Lead Programmer: Pete Wiseman (Ninja God) Adt. Programming: Nob Nicholson, Tony Stockton, Mark Lyhan Producers: Tad Tahquechi, Jim Gregory Art: Andy Gavin (Mutton Head), Andy Johnson (Jigsaw), Martin Kilner (Kaneda) Art Support: Greg Irwin Music: Steve Lord (Bazza From Nazza) Design: Jim Gregory, Ted Tahquechi, Sam Tramiel, Hank Cappa, Joe Sousa Sound FX: Ted Tahquechi, Steve Lord Video Producer: Gary Cowan Lighting/Cameraman: Steve Hughes Fight Coordinator: Ged Moran Fight Performers: Andy Gavin, Alan Siddal, Julie Ellis, Lynn Lowton, Ian McCranor, Gene Sovo Support Services: Vector Television Studios, Stockport (England), Equinox Film/TV Production (Manchester, England) Manual Design: Kasumi Krew Lead Tester: Hank Cappa (Son Goku) Testers: Tal Funke-Bilu (New Guy), Scott Hunter (Soup), Lance Lewis (#1 Smart Guy), Tom Gillen (Blast Man), Dan McNamee (The Fonz), Joe Sousa (Oof), David Gregory, Paul Gregory, Andrew Keim (Mr. Hardwear) Special Thanks To: Carrie Tahquechi (Mrs. Everything), Terry Brewster, Manuel Sousa, Faran Thomason (Fa Fa Flowley), Todd Craig/White Dragon, Mike Forcier, Paul Foster, James Grunke, Purple Hampton, Harry Kinney (Kinko), John Skruch, Sam Tramiel, Atsuko Scott, Howard Stern,Traci Topps, Akira Toriyama
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Kasumi Ninja
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