TRIVIA Sega Rally Championship was released in January 1995 in Japan.
Originally a Model 1 game, this was near completion when Sega stopped making Model 1 boards, so production was shifted to Model 2 and the artwork was redone.
Thanks to the Model 2 hardware, Sega Rally Championship serves 300,000 polygons per second.
New Informational View: Hold down Start and View when selecting a car to get an alternate view. There is no rear view mirror, a seconds clock appears in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and a split time will be displayed based on the best time the machine has in memory. The digits are red if you are currently faster the best time.
No Waiting To Get Into The Game: To skip waiting for the ten second timer, thus avoiding another player joining the game, simply insert your coins and hold down both the Start and View buttons. Instantly the select screen will appear. No waiting!
Different Car Characteristics: To get different car capabilities (e.g. slides more easily), while selecting your car, shift 1st/2nd/3rd/4th and you will hear a WHOOOSH! sound, which means this code is enabled. The car will now handle differently, as you will soon see.
Lakeside Course In Practice Mode: Completing the Championship course is not the only way to reach Lakeside. When choosing a course, select Mountain and enter the gearshifts 1>2>3>N>3 and then wait until the timer runs out. You will hear a WHOOOSH! sound which means the code was performed correctly.
Sega Rally Championship (1995)
Sega Rally 2 - Sega Rally Championship (1998)
Sega Rally 2006 (2006, PS2): Japanese release.
Sega Rally Revo (2007, PS3, XBOX360, PC, PS2, PSP)
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Sega Rally Championship - DX
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Sega Rally Championship - DX (Revision A)
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