Sexy Parodius is a horizontally-scrolling shoot-em-up for one or two players and is the third sequel in a series originally created as a parody of Konami's own successful "Gradius" games. As with the prequels, Sexy Parodius again gives players a choice of increasingly bizarre ships to control; ranging from a sexy girl riding a missile, to a stick man on a paper aeroplane.
The game plays much the same as previous Parodius games, as well as the 'Gradius' series it sets out to parody. One new addition to the game-play is the introduction of branching paths through the game. Each level has a specific task, such as collecting the golden coins on the second level, the completion or failure of which dictates which level players will be faced with next.
In a co-operative two-player game, when certain characters are close enough, a third shot appears between them, these can either be purple shots that swirl all over the screen, hearts that home in on enemies, or rockets that shoot straight ahead. This feature was first seen in Konami's 1990 shoot-em-up, "Lightning Fighters".
The playable characters in sexy Parodius are:
Vic Viper/Lord British
Shooting Star/Black Viper
DATI TECNICI Konami GX Hardware
CPU principale: Motorola 68EC020 CPU sonora: Motorola 68000 Chip sonori: (2x) K054539
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 3 → Power Up, Fire, Missile
CURIOSITÀ Sexy Parodius è stato rilasciato nel Marzo 1996.
World 3-A (get the 300 coins in World 2) will appeal to fans of Konami's classic game "Yie Ar Kung-Fu" (Oolong makes a guest appearance just before reaching the stage boss and you can even knock him out!).
World 3-B (do not get the 300 coins in World 2) is a hilarious parody of Konami's "CastleVania" series (the well-known Medusa makes a guest appearance as the stage's boss!).
The name of the fish character Mambo has a double meaning, he gets his name from the real life fish called Ocean Sunfish (or Mola Mola), but called Mambou in Giappone. The other meaning is Mambo from the musical style, which is why the female partner character in this game is called Samba, yet another musical style.
Character selection screen music is a remix of 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star', by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The music theme of Shooting Star comes from "Twin Bee Yahhoo! Fushigi no Kuni de Oo-Abare!!" (1995, Konami). Stage 1 music is a megamix of: 'Hokkaido wa Dokoni Aru?' by Gonchichi, 'American Patrol' by Frank W. Meacham, and 'My Old Kentuchy Home' by Stephen C. Foster. Stage 1 boss music is a remix of 'Summ, Summ, Summ, Bienchen' by Hoffmann V. Fallersleben Stage 2 music is a remix of a music from "Yi Ar Kung-Fu" (1985, Konami). Stage 2 boss music is a megamix of: a music from "Yi Ar Kung-Fu" and "Maim Maim" (an Israeli folksong). Stage 3 music is a megamix of: a music from "Castlevania" and 'Clarinet Polka" (a Polish folksong). Stage 3 boss music is a megamix of: a music from "Castlevania" and 'Hungarian Dance No. 5' by Brahms. Stage 4 music is a remix of 'Csikos Post' by Hermann Necke. Stage 4 boss music is a megamix of: 'Bienchen Summ Herum!' (a Bohemian folksong) and 'Einzug der Gladiatoren' by Julius Fucik. Stage 5 music is a megamix of: 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic' by William Steffe and 'J'ai Perdu le Do de Ma Clarinette' (a French folksong). Stage 5 boss music is a remix of the Aircraft Carrier music from "Gradius". Stage 6 music is a megamix of: 'Tankoubushi' (A Japanese folksong) and 'Hokkai Bon'uta' (Japanese Bon Festival Song) Stage 6 boss music is a megamix of: 'Symphony No. 5 in C, Op. 67' by Ludwig Beethoven, and 'Genkotsuyama no Tanukisan' (A Japanese children's song). Stage 7 music is a remix of 'El Bimbo' by Claude Morgan. Stage 7 boss music is a remix of 'Habanera - From Carmen' by Georges Bizet. Stage 8 sub-boss 1 music is a remix of 'Piano Sontata K.331, 3rd: Rondo Alla Turca' by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Stage 8 sub-boss 2 music is a remix of 'Flight of the Bumblebee' by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Stage 8 sub-boss 3 music comes from "Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou" (1988, Konami). Stage 8 sub-boss 4 music is a remix of 'Orphee Aux Enfers' by Jacques Offenbach. Stage 8 final boss music is a megamix of: 'Prelude Op.28 #7' by Frederic Chopin, and 'Scene From Swan Lake' by Piotr Tchaikovsky. Stage 9 music is a megamix of 'Hornpipe from Water Music' and 'Hallelujah Chorus' by George F. Handel. Stage 9 boss music comes from "Gradius III" (1989, Konami). Special stage music is a megamix of musics from "Gradius", "Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou", "Gradius III", "MX5000", and "Lightning Fighters". Special stage boss music is a remix of 'Fur Elise' by Beethoven.
Pubblicazioni della colonna sonora: Sexy Parodius / Original Game Soundtrack [King Records - KICA-7703 - May 22, 1996]
Special team attack: in two-player games, get both ships close to each other in order to use a special team attack!
Secret stage: successfully complete all stage's additional objectives in order to unlock the secret stage!
Parodius - Tako wa Chikyuu o Sukuu [Modello RC759] (1988, MSX)
Parodius Da! Shinwa kara Owarai e [Modello GX955] (1990, ARC)
Gokujyou Parodius! Kako no Eikou o Motomete [Modello GX321] (1994, ARC)
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Sexy Parodius
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