In 1945, the second world war ended. Soon, there was peace, but an organization of high-ranking military officers from all over the world form a global army known as CANY. Their mission was to conquer the world. CANY activity was found in areas like the Soviet Union, America, Japan, and even Germany. It is revealed that CANY had weapons never seen before from rockets to mechanical walkers. The world quickly formed a group of pilots and planes called the Strikers whose mission is to rid of CANY from the world.
DATI TECNICI CPU principale: Motorola 68EC020 (@ 16 Mhz) CPU sonora: Zilog Z80 (@ 4 Mhz) Chip sonori: YMF278B (@ 33,8688 Mhz)
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 3
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato nel Giugno 1995.
Il gioco vieta le iniziali 'SEX' nella tabella dei punteggi record. Se ci provi, vengono sostituite in a smiley, and 'THAT IS WRONG' appears.
Pony Canyon / Scitron hanno pubblicato un album della colonna sonora in edizione limitata di questo gioco il 20/12/1997 (Strikers 1945 II, Strikers 1945 - SGCD-0001).
Unlock Extra Maintenance: if you hold Test Button + PL1 Button 1 during boot, you get extra options in the test menu. A level skip, BG test usually etc...
Sexy Pilots Images & Names: if you make a perfect score, you can see how the sexy pilots look and what their names are. In practice, this means getting three gold medals at the end of each stage (for time, accuracy and completion). This should be done in the first loop of the game, the pilot of the plane you chose will be seen at the end of this first loop. Two pilots will be seen if it's a two-player game. The pilots can also be seen in the Extra Maintenance menu.
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Strikers 1945
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Strikers 1945 (World)
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