[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=rygar3&type=ingame[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=rygar3]Rygar (US set 3 Old Version) (romset rygar3) on Arcade Database[/url]
<a href='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=rygar3'><img alt='' src='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=rygar3&type=ingame'><br/>Rygar (US set 3 Old Version) (romset rygar3) on Arcade Database</a>
Export release. Game developed in Japan. For more information about the game itself, please see the original Japanese release entry; "Argos no Senshi - Legendary Warrior".
TRIVIA Rygar was released in May 1986.
The differences between the US and Japanese (Argus no Senshi) are:
The demo sequences are different.
The Japanese version seems to have more hidden powers, stars and an extra free life.
The US version is more biased towards stars and explosions.
UPDATES The differences between the US (set 1) and US (set 2) are:
'Set 2' has a bug in the code which lets p2 start a game when p1 is already playing. You need to set a dip-switch to enable this behavior (it is usually on by default). If you press '2' while p1 is playing a single player game, 'Set 2' will check that you have 1 or more credit before it registers that you're now in a 2 player game, but it won't deduct the credit. That's a bad bug and probably accounts for why a bug-fix version was released.
In 'Set 2', if p2 starts while p1 is already playing, it says 'playre2' instead of 'player2' at the top right.
The first screen of 'Set 2' says 'ALL RIGHT RESERVED' - missing an 'S' - that's fixed in 'Set 1'
Rygar - Legendary Warrior (1986, Arcade)
Rygar [Model NES-RY-USA] (1987, NES)
Rygar - The Legendary Adventure (2002, PS2)
Rygar - The Battle of Argus (2009, Wii)
[US] Microsoft XBOX (sept.14, 2005) "Tecmo Classic Arcade" [EU] Microsoft XBOX (oct.21, 2005) "Tecmo Classic Arcade" [US]Sony PlayStation 4 [PSN] (aug.19, 2014) "Arcade Archives - Rygar [Model CUSA-00993]"
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Rygar (US set 3 Old Version)
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