Radikal Bikers is an abstract racing game set in the Mediterranean, in which players take on the role of a pizza delivery driver. The goal is to deliver pizza before the rival delivery driver and before the timer expires. Each player-character rides an Italian scooter as they navigate through heavy traffic and tight, twisting roads.
The game has three selectable locations and difficulty levels, appropriately represented as increasingly spicy pizzas: Margherita (easy, set in Milan), Capricciosa (medium, set in Rome) and Diabola (hard, set in Naples). Each location features four races and if players beat four races in a level, they will progress to the next stage for free. The urban setting allows for interaction with many different elements: cars, vans, windows, fences, people, etc.
Each circuit has many shortcuts and alternate routes, and to further aid the players, numerous power-ups can be picked up: Power Kick - Indicated by the bomb, allows players to blow up cars by kicking them for bonus points. Turbo - Indicated by the letter T, gives a temporary speed boost (incompatible with Power Kick). Extra Points - Indicated by the $, awards a bonus of 3000 points. Extra Time - Indicated by an hourglass, award 1 extra second of time. The Joker - Indicated by the ? gives a random power-up or extra points.
The four selectable player-characters are: Carlo - From "Paolo's Maniak Pizza". Gino - From "Frenzy Mario Pizza". Nina - From "Paolo's Maniak Pizza". Sofia - From "Frenzy Mario Pizza".
DATI TECNICI CPU principale: Motorola 68EC020 (@ 25 Mhz), TMS32031 (@ 50 Mhz) CPU sonora: ADSP2115 (@ 16 Mhz) Chip sonori: (4x) DMA-basato (@ 16 Mhz)
Giocatori: 1
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato nel Marzo 1998.
Concesso in licenza a SNK per le vendite in Giappone.
The main characters use a scooter from 'Italjet', a very famous Italian manufacturer now defunct (in 2001), which is also very well known in Spain. The model used in the game is similar to the 'Dragster' model.
STAFF Responsabile prodotto: Josep Quingles Designer gioco: Xavi Arrebola G. Scenary: Toni Lopez, Francesc Fradera Character: Toni Rodríguez Animation: Manuel Matamoros Programma: Enric Vives, Diego Campos Music: Joan Sanmarti Artistic Adviser: Elisa Anechina
[EU] Sony PlayStation (1999) "Radikal Bikers [Modello SLES-01943]"
[EU] Nintendo Game Boy Color: Pubblicazione annullata, only a prototype cartridge exists.
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=2159&o=2
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Radikal Bikers
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Radikal Bikers (version 2.02)
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