A follow-up to its predecessor, "Fujiyama Buster", this fighting game takes its inspiration from the "Mortal Kombat" series, featuring digitized graphics, blood, gore and finishing moves, but with the same satirical feudal Japanese setting of the previous game. Though superficially similar to "Mortal Kombat," the gameplay still resembles the mechanics set forth by "Street Fighter II", just like "Shogun Warriors".
Nine fighters are selectable in the game, each clearly representing an archetype from Japanese culture, though not as blatant as it was in "Fujiyama Buster".
TRIVIA Oo-edo Fight was released in August 1994 in Japan.
Some rumors indicate Oo-edo Fight is the sequel of Fujiyama Buster, but this was never confirmed by Kaneko. Most of the characters in the game are the same of in Fujiyama Buster but their name are different. However, their old moves are still present, but some new ones were added for all of them.
Here are reported the shared characters with the changes in their name (from Fujiyama Buster to Oo-edo Fight): Ninja -> Arashi Samurai -> Kinshro Geisha -> Kasumi (in BW she manage huge claws) Kappa -> Sampei Kabuki -> Shishimaru Shogun -> Syogethu
The other two characters Benkei and Goemon keep their original name, but their moves are totally different from their appearence in Fujiyama Buster.
Differently from the rest of the cast, Ikkyù, the strange buddhist-type monk, makes his first appearance in Oo-edo Fight, so he's the only real new character in this game. Some of his moves seems taking some inspiration from Raiden of Mortal Kombat, like he was a burlesque version of him: overall, this strange character makes the whole fight more funny than usual.
TIPS AND TRICKS Executing your opponent (aka Fatality): after you've defeating your opponent on the final round, this one will get up bleeding and the voice 'Finish' will lighting in the screen: all you must do now is simply to press a random attack button, so your fighter will perform automatically a random special move, depending by the distance from you and your opponent, that will kill your opponent. There are 3 fatality effects:
Opponent reduced to mush
Opponent sliced apart
Torso explosion (aka 'fontanel effect' cause the way the blood scroll from the remained legs: maybe the funniest kill in the game)
You can also choose to spare your opponent if you don't press any button while the 'finish' signal is still lighting: in this way, after the finish time is gone, your opponent will perform a standard 'lose for time out' pose.
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Oedo Fight
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Oedo Fight (Japan, Bloodless version)
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