[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=magmaxa&type=ingame[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=magmaxa]Mag Max (set 2) (romset magmaxa) on Arcade Database[/url]
Mag Max is a horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up in which a single player takes control of the 'Maxcraft' hover-ship and must battle their way through an packed enemy installation to find and destroy the invading alien 'Dragonia' fleet.
The action takes place both above and below ground and transporters appear throughout the game that allows the Maxcraft warp between the two as players search for the three-headed 'Dragonship'.
At various points the player will come across robot components - either a torso, a pair of legs or a plasma gun - and collecting these will eventually see the player's hover-ship become a towering robot, vastly increasing its firepower in the process.
If the Maxcraft takes an enemy hit when additional components are attached, a component is lost. If the ship is hit when only in basic form, however, a life is lost.
[JP] Nintendo Famicom (1986) "Mag Max [Model NBF-MM]" [US] Nintendo NES (1988) "Mag Max [Model NES-MM-USA]" [JP] Sony PS4 [PSN] (apr.2, 2015) "Arcade Archives - Mag Max [Model CUSA-01824]" [AS] Sony PlayStation 4 [PSN] (june.5, 2015) "Arcade Archives - Mag Max" [US] Sony PlayStation 4 [PSN] (jul.21, 2015) "Arcade Archives - Mag Max [Model CUSA-00992]" [EU] [AU] Sony PlayStation 4 [PSN] (dec.2, 2015) "Arcade Archives - Mag Max [Model CUSA-03165]"
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Mag Max
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Mag Max (set 2)
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