A top view multi-directional shooter tank video game.
The players, take the control a tank, handled by four military warriors to choose, in a city and must destroy a variety of enemy tanks in each level and guard the base to complete the mission.
TECHNICAL Main CPU: E1-32N (@ 44.9 Mhz) Sub CPU: I8032 (@ 12 Mhz) Sound CPU: I8052 (@ 24 Mhz)
Sound Chips: QS1000 (@ 24.000000 Mhz), 2x speaker
Screen orientation: Horizontal Video resolution: 320 x 240 pixels Screen refresh: 60.00 Hz Palette colors: 32768
STAFF President: Jeon Tae Young Head Director: Jeon Ju Young Main Director: Park Tae Young Chief: Lee Seon Ho Planning Progress: Kim Eun Chang Main Program: Kim Yun Tai Sub Program: Choi Nack Chan, Choi Sang Il Graphic Design: Song Won Young Character Design: Kang Jung Ho Visual Design: Rho Myung Music Director: Han Seung Hardware Chief: Shin Woo Kyun Engineer: Kim Han Byeol, Hong Eun A, Lee Jung Hun, Hong Sung Pyo Serve Director: Lee Sang Hyun Business: Kim Ki Nam, Jang Beyong Hun, Kwon Heuk Kun, Lee Jeong Yn, Yoo Hyun Jung, Park Sun Bok Serve Planning: Choi In Chul Information: Hwang Hyun Ho, Son Ji Young, Lee Eun Kyoung
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Gongtit Jiucoi Iron Fortress
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Gongtit Jiucoi Iron Fortress (Hong Kong)
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