TRIVIA Released in August 1995. 2,249 units were produced.
COW is spelt with the Spanner Targets.
The last souvenir is a cow.
In 'Wrong Turn' you can see a cow in the farmer animation.
Sometimes a cow appears on the Pit Stop, being refuled/milked. You can also see this cow intentionally:
Advance the speedway light to Quick Pit, using the right ramp.
Light the Award Speedway light on the right loop.
Shoot the right loop.
Hit the Launch button rapidly when the animation starts. The cow appears!
DOHO is spelt with the Spanner Targets, and is also sometimes seen in the skid/crasch animation in the Video mode.
UPDATES Version 1.0 (Changes from prototype 0.8) Date: August 4, 1995
This is the release of software for production.
Corrected an error in the replay system to made it impossible to adjust Replay Boost to OFF.
In the diagnostic test menu, the coindoor G.I. string was incorrectly stated to be in the WHT-GRN string. It now correctly states the WHT-VIO string.
The 10-point switch located at the jet bumper arena exit did not score any points; now it does.
Version 1.1 Date: November 1, 1995
Removed German Price Fixing, and updated Belgium Coinage tables.
After a player finished entering his/her initials for a Pit Champion high score, the record time would be displayed incorrectly at the end of the effect. Nothing else was affected.
If the game was re-started while a ball was held in the pit stop diverter, the diverter would remain open until ball search.
When installing pre-sets EASY or EXTRA HARD the word INSTALLED would not appear.
STAFF Design: Dennis Nordman (DEN) Artwork: Dan Hughes Software: Mike Boon (MAB), Craig Sylla (CJS) Dots/Animation: Adam Rhine (ASR), Brian Morris (BCM) Mechanics: Win Schilling (WIN), Armando Zuniga Music & Sounds: Chris Granner (CG)
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