GuitarFreaks is a game where colored notes travel up the screen which correspond with three colored buttons on a guitar controller. The player must press the relevant buttons on the controller and move the 'pluck' when the notes reach the top of the screen in order to fill in missing guitar parts from a song.
TECHNICAL Konami Bemani 573 Digital Hardware
TRIVIA Released in April 2004.
GuitarFreaks 11th Mix can link with "DrumMania 10thMix".
Konami Music Entertainment released a 2 CD limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Guitar Freaks 11thMix & DrumMania 10thMix Soundtracks - KOLA-069~70) on 23/06/2004.
GuitarFreaks (1999)
GuitarFreaks 2ndMix (1999)
GuitarFreaks 2ndMix Link Version (1999)
GuitarFreaks 3rdMix (2000)
GuitarFreaks 4thMix (2000)
GuitarFreaks 5thMix (2001)
GuitarFreaks 6thMix (2001)
GuitarFreaks 7thMix (2002)
GuitarFreaks 8thMix (2002)
GuitarFreaks 9thMix (2003)
GuitarFreaks 10thMix (2003)
GuitarFreaks 11thMix (2004)
GuitarFreaks V (2005)
GuitarFreaks V2 (2005)
GuitarFreaks V3 (2006)
GuitarFreaks V4 Rock×Rock (2007)
GuitarFreaks V5 Rock to Infinity (2008)
GuitarFreaks V6 Blazing!!!! (2009)
GuitarFreaks XG (2010)
GuitarFreaks V7 (2010)
GuitarFreaks XG2 Groove to Live (2011)
GuitarFreaks V8 (2011)
GuitarFreaks XG3 (2012)
GITADORA GuitarFreaks (2013)
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Guitar Freaks 11th Mix eAmusement
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