Lyman programmed the video mode for GNR, it was subsequently recycled in Sega's 1997 "Star Wars Trilogy" (with different art) and in Stern's 1999 "Harley-Davidson".
SCORING All slingshots: 100 points Left and right inlanes reveal bonus targets that are worth 100,000 points when hit. Left and right outlanes: 1 point Bumpers: 1,000 points. Three red targets: 5,000 points each. Knocking all three red targets down 50,000 points, opens shot at multiballs.
Orange targets: 5,000 points. Left outlane target: 5,000 points. Yellow targets: 5,000 points. Knocking down all yellow targets opens bonus area. Three bottom green targets: 10,000 points Knocking down all green targets 1,000,000 points. White targets 5000 points. Knocking all white targets down 50,000 points. Light G U N S N R O S E S for extra ball.
STAFF Game Design: John Borg, Slash Game Software: Lonnie D. Ropp Display Software: Orin Day Software Support: Neil Falconer, Masaya Horiguchi, Lyman F. Sheats Jr., Kevin Martin, Alison Quant, Brian A. Rudolph Mechanical Design: Norm Wurz, John Trilik, Lonnie Mihin, Joe Balcer, Paul Lesley Cables: Phillis Dot Madness: Scott Michael, Sally Davis, Kurt Andersen, Jack Liddon Game Art: Markus Rothkranz, Margaret Hudson Sounds & Music: Brian Schmidt, Axl Rose, Dizzy Reed, Duff McKagan, Gilby Clarke, Matt Sorum, Slash BOM: Bob Karegaines Technical Support: Arnie Aarstad, Jay Alfer, Joe Blackwell, Doreen Clarke, Jim Gorman, Steve Novak, Eric Winston Inspiration for 110%: Tetsuo Fukuda
Special Thanks: Axl Rose, Slash, Wes Moore, Jim Ross, Don Thorne Additional Thanks: Joe Kaminkow
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Guns N Roses
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Guns N Roses (USA 2.00, display A3.00)
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