[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=fvipersb&type=ingame[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=fvipersb]Fighting Vipers (Revision B) (romset fvipersb) on Arcade Database[/url]
TRIVIA Fighting Vipers was released in November 1995.
Bahn is an homage of Jotaro Kujo from the manga Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
Polygram released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Fighting Vipers Original Sound Track - POCX-1030) on 25/03/1996.
Secret Surprise: Play the game as Candy (a.k.a. Honey) in two player mode until the 'win' counter above your energy bar reads 100 or more. Once candy has 100 wins or more, have your opponent knock off candy's lower body armor; instead of just losing her leg armor her skirt will disappear too. Note: If both players are playing candy then they can both lose their skirts in this fashion.
Play As B. Mahler: This trick will only work on fighting vipers that have 15,000 matches played on them; the only way to determine if your machine meets these requirements is to access the bookkeeping menu screen during test mode. At the character select screen, wait for the clock to count down to the 9-second mark, then quickly press and hold the Start button and Up on the joystick. While continuing to hold Start and Up, nudge the joystick to the upper Left or upper Right to move the cursor to the opposite side of the screen, one character at a time (on the player 1 side, start with grace and move to the right; if you are player 2 start with Rickey and move left). Remember to always hold the Start button and keep the joystick Up between while moving the cursor. When you pass the last character on the opposite center, the cursor should go off the screen and the character portrait should be that of the boss B. Mahler.
Fighting Vipers (1995)
FV2 - Fighting Vipers 2 (1998)
STAFF Directed by: Hiroshi Kataoka Music composed by: David Leytze
Sega Saturn (1996) Sony PlayStation 2 (2005, "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 19 Fighting Vipers")
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Fighting Vipers
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Fighting Vipers (Revision B)
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