TRIVIA Stuff on the backglass: The fishermen are artist Pat McMahon and designer Mark Ritchie. The man being thrown out of the boat has 'DUCK' on his right shoe. The man being thrown out of the boat has 'SKALON' (mechanical man Jack Skalon) on his left shoe. There's a beercan just above and to the right of the second boat with CG (Chris Granner) on it. There's a bag in the boat with the initials MP (Mark Penacho) on it. The cap of the fisherman has 'MAX' (Pat McMahon) on it. The worm has a human face.
Stuff on the playfield: The plastic lightshield near the right fish-targets shows a bug with a parachute. On this parachute 'BUZZ' is written and a '3'. There's a '3' on a plastic lightshield near the left outlane, it shows a fake fish with hooks attached to it. These hooks are double hooks, forming a '3'.
TIPS AND TRICKS Press START 3 times when the 'skeleton fish' is crossing the display. This gives you a Fishbone bonus worth 10 points.
STAFF Playfield Design: Mark Ritchie (MDR) Concept: Python Anghelo (PVA), Pat McMahon (MAX), Mark Ritchie Art: Pat McMahon Mechanix: Jack Skalon (JWS) Software: Mark Penacho Music & Sounds: Chris Granner (CG) Displays: Scott Slomiany (Scott Matrix) Voices: Jim Gentile, Chris Granner, George N. Petro, Mark Ritchie, Steve Ritchie
Special Thanks To: Joanne Smith (Gage's Lake Camping Inc.)
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Fish Tales
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