Fire Truck is a simple two-dimensional driving game. Your perspective is from overhead as you navigate through the city streets. The object is to score points by getting as much distance as possible in the least amount of time. Those who are good enough can get bonus time for a specific amount of points. Beware, though, it will not be as easy as it seems.
TECHNICAL Game ID: 030926
Main CPU: M6800 (@ 1.008 Mhz) Sound Chips: Discrete circuitry.
Players: 2 Control: Steering wheel (for both players front and rear), Gas pedal (at the bottom of the cabinet) Buttons: 2 (HORN (front player), BELL (rear player))
TRIVIA Released in June 1978, selling at an MSRP of $1495.
This game is also known as "Smokey Joe".
Fire Truck was one of the first games to feature a cooperative feature. One player could either drive the fire engine or the hook and ladder while the computer drove the opposite part. Two players could play where one drove the fire engine while sitting up front while the other player stood in back and controlled the hook and ladder. This game also featured the front player having a horn while the back player had a bell. Neither of these buttons, though, effected game play. This game never really gained a large popular following mostly due to the fact that "Space Invaders" was released the same year. Nonetheless, it still proved to be somewhat popular just due to the fact it was different.
SCORING Scoring in this game is really simple. Your score is tied to distance traveled so obviously you want to cover the most amount of distance in the shortest period of time. Your score goes up in 10 point increments. Depending on what the fuel setting on the machine is set to determines what your score needs to be for extended time. Below are these settings: FUEL SETTING || REQUIRED SCORE | Fuel Setting: 60 - Required Score: 120 Fuel Setting: 90 - Required Score: 160 Fuel Setting: 120 - Required Score: 220 Fuel Setting: 150 - Required Score: 270
An extended time of 39 fuel is awarded when you are equal to or greater then the required score.
After you get done playing the game, you will get a rating based on your final score. Below are the ratings: Score Range: 0-50 - Rating: SORRY Score Range: 60-100 - Rating: SO-SO Score Range: 110-140 - Rating: GOOG Score Range: 150-Over - Rating: ACE
When you start the game, your fire truck will be in the middle of the road. It will be your job to navigate the truck through the city streets and avoid all the hazards. Try to stay in the middle of the road as much as possible. Especially around curves since it is very easy to run into hazards on the road.
Learn how to use the steering effectively. The steering is relatively sensitive so don't spin the wheel or you will quickly find out that your fire truck either isn't going anywhere, or it is hitting hazards which drastically effects distance traveled. Small movements on the steering wheel (front or back) should be enough to keep the fire truck from going out of control.
In addition to steering, learn how to use the gas pedal effectively to slow down around corners. This is easier then speeding through them and running into hazards which consumes a lot more fuel then just going slowly. If you are driving the hook and ladder, just make sure you keep the hook and ladder in line with the fire truck.
Don't panic if you do hit a hazard. Just patiently turn the fire truck or hook and ladder so you clear the hazard and can continue on your way.
Make sure you follow the directional arrows on the road or you may end up going backwards down the road and head for unpleasant surprises.
Your goal is to get the points necessary to get bonus time. After playing this game for a while, you will notice that the roads tend to repeat themselves making it easier to anticipate when the next curve or hazard is coming up.
STAFF Designed and programmed by: Howard Delman (Howie) Hardware Engineer: John Ray
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Fire Truck / Smokey Joe
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Fire Truck / Smokey Joe (ROM version)
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