[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=dfkbl&type=ingame[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=dfkbl]DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label (2010/1/18 BLACK LABEL) (romset dfkbl) on Arcade Database[/url]
<a href='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=dfkbl'><img alt='' src='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=dfkbl&type=ingame'><br/>DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label (2010/1/18 BLACK LABEL) (romset dfkbl) on Arcade Database</a>
This is an updated version of "DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu" with the following changes:
Ship selection changed: players now select the fighter type, then the style (Bomb, Power, or Strong). The style now corresponds to easy, medium, and hard difficulty respectively. Then, player can select whether to utilize auto-bomb or not.
Ships can now fire both laser and shot simultaneously.
Score counter's number letter sizes increase every 5th digit for easier viewing
Added Red Mode, a small long bar at top right (or top middle when playing with two players) which increases if you shoot both laser and shot simultaneously. When it passes a certain threshold, the bar in the meter turns red, and the game becomes much more difficult while it is in the red. The bar will reset when the player dies, or reduced after hyper ends / player does not shoot both laser and shot.
Hyper meter now increase very slowly unless you turn the "Red Mode" bar red. In addition, Hyper power itself runs out much faster after use.
Hypers can now be "collected" for the Power style. Continue to increase the Hyper meter and it will stock up like a bomb when the meter is filled.
Activating the hyper now shows the current "rank" of the Hyper effectiveness with blocking bullets temporarily.
The bee bonus items in the stages function differently.
Hibachi (true final boss) now can appear in the first loop if certain requirements are met. In addition, the difficulty / durability of both the final boss Taisabachi, now renamed Supreme Weapon of Extreme Hellish Annihilation - Golden Disaster and the true final boss have increased dramatically.
Hit combos are now calculated differently. Namely, the hit combo does not go up as fast unless you turn the "Red Mode" bar red.
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI In DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label Mode, there is only one loop (no second "open" or "hidden" loops as they exist in original DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu). However, style affects the difficulty of Black Label Mode:
Bomb style : First loop of the original game.
Power style : Open second loop of the original game.
Strong style: Hidden second loop of the original game.
Requirements to fight Taisabachi: (Boss EX1)
Credit should be preserved (fails if continue is used). AND
Maximum of 2 bombs used in Areas 1-5 OR
At least 2 Area bosses must be killed with full Red Gauge.
(If above Taisabachi requirements are met, Taisabachi appears after completing Area 5.)
Requirements to fight Hibachi: (Boss EX2)
Maximum of one death in Areas 1-5.
Maximum of 2 bombs used in Areas 1-5.
All 5 Area bosses must be killed with full Red Gauge.
(If above Hibachi requirements are met, Hibachi appears after Taisabachi.)
Requirements to fight Zatsuza: (Boss EX3)
Strong style game.
Not a single death during Areas 1-5 & Taisabachi fight.
Maximum of 2 bombs used in Areas 1-5.
All 5 Area bosses must be killed with full Red Gauge.
(If above Zatsuza requirements are met, Zatsuza appears after Taisabachi, instead of Hibachi.)
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DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label
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DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label (2010/1/18 BLACK LABEL)
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