[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=devilfshg&type=ingame[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=devilfshg]Devil Fish (Galaxian hardware) (romset devilfshg) on Arcade Database[/url]
The player controls Sea Dog, who must feed Devil Fish in order to make them trap themselves on the several passages of the maze, as they will be too fat to advance. When they are trapped, Sea Dog must touch them. Immediately after that, a little house will appear on the center of the maze. Touch it and a part of a drawing will be revealed. Repeat this procedure until the complete image is revealed and Sea Dog will move on to the next level.
A bootleg of this game was released in 1984 by Vision on the Galaxian hardware.
SCORING Killing a type 1 small octopus: 100 points. Killing a type 1 large octopus: 150 points. Killing a type 2 small octopus: 150 points. Killing a type 2 large octopus: 200 points. Killing a type 3 small octopus: 200 points. Killing a type 3 large octopus: 250 points. Killing a type 4 small octopus: 250 points. Killing a type 4 large octopus: 300 points.
Try to lure more than one octopus at once into a gate to increase your score.
Don't delay too long on any screen as the next screen will start with faster enemies.
Wait on the other side of a gate where you know a pursuing octopus will get trapped and pick it off as soon as it gets stuck. If another octopus was close behind the dead one, move back over the gate and kill it when it gets stuck.
Since the octopuses always pursue you, you can use this to get them to follow the path you want.
Don't collect extra fish at the start of a screen since no more than 15 can be stored, and any extras are lost.
Use the side tunnels to move across the screen, and the enemies don't often pursue you through them.
When being pursued by a fast and small octopus drop two fish in front of it, taking it to its largest size and slowing it down.
CONTRIBUTE Edit this entry: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=632&o=2
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Devil Fish
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Devil Fish (Galaxian hardware)
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