This is a fight between the human race and the machines. To defeat the machines the humans sent 'Elemental Dolls' piloting ships to aid them in their fight.
Players: 2 Control: 8-way Joystick Buttons: 3 → [A] Shoot, [B] Bomb, [C] Full Auto
TRIVIA Developed/Produced by Cave and Sales by AMI (Amusement Marketing International).
Released in April 2002.
The title of this game translates from Japanese as 'Angry Chief Hornet: Peaceful Death'.
The game is known outside Japan as "DoDonPachi 3" (Literally:Angry Chief Hornet 3).
It is rumored that only 5 players have cleared both loops of the game, 12 months after it's arcade release.
Shortly after DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou, Cave released a special fan-edition of the same game. It is called "DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou [Black Label]".
Cave released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou / Ketsui - Kizuna Jigoku Tachi - Original Sound Track - CVST-0000) on 06/06/2003.
Hits: When an enemy is killed, if the player kills another one in a short, specified time, the kill count will increase by one.
Hyper item: When collected, it gives your ship an added burst of fire-power which can be used when shooting a beam, and will last as long as your ship does, but it doesn't absorb bullets, meaning you remain vulnerable. Technically, it does let you absorb bullets for a few seconds by holding down the bomb button. This can only be done once during a hyper and allows you to escape from a tight corner if there are too many projectiles coming your way.
DonPachi (1995)
DoDonPachi (1997)
Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (2001)
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (2002)
DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu (2008)
DoDonPachi Saidaioujou (2012)
DoDonPachi Maximum (2012) [Apple App Store]
STAFF Producer: Kenichi Takano Director: Tsuneki Ikeda Programmer: Takashi Ichimura Chief Designer: Akira Wakabayashi Character Designer: Shohei Satoh Mechanic Designer: Akira Wakabayashi, Kengo Arai, Hiroyuki Tanaka Background Designer: Hiroyuki Tanaka, Shohei Satoh Music Producer: Shohei Satoh Music Composer: Manabu Namiki (Santaruru) King of Debugger: Satoshi Kouyama Super Adviser: Junya Inoue Special Assist: Toshiaki Tomizawa, Yasushi Imai
Sony PlayStation 2 (apr.10, 2003; "DoDonpachi Dai-Ou-Jou [Model SLPS-25233]")
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DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou
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