North American & European release. Game developed in Japan. For more information about the game itself, please see the original Japanese release entry; "Cyberbots - Fullmetal Madness [Green Board]".
TECHNICAL Runs on the "CP System II" hardware. Blue Board [USA & Europe]
TRIVIA In the original Japanese version's Vs. screen, a chapter title is displayed as well as the model number of each players' VA. The titles and model numbers are missing from these Export versions.
After a 1P vs 2P match in the original Japanese version, the winning character speaks his (or her) victory quote and it is written on screen as well. In the export versions, the victory quote is just written on screen (without the voice sample).
There is a POWEREDGEAR HIGHSCORE CAMPAIGN sequence after the staff credits missing on the export versions.
Devilotte's servants, Dr. Shutain and Jigoku Daishi, are renamed Xavier and Gary.
Gawaine's sword is called 'Magnablade' in the Japanese version. It is not referred to by name in the Export versions.
UPDATES The USA version has the Winners Don't Use Drugs screen.
PORTS Non-Japanese ports only.
[US] Sony PlayStation 3 (sept.13, 2011) "Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness [PSOne Classics] [Model NPJJ00510]"
[US] Sony PlayStation Portable (sept.13, 2011) "Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness [PSOne Classics] [Model NPJJ00510]"
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Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness
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