TRIVIA Asura Buster was released on December 26, 2000 in Japan only.
UPDATES A special version of the game was sent to the ARCADIA magazine for review. This version has an extra Pause feature when holding down a button, useful for capturing screenshots.
Play As Nanami:
At the fighter select screen move the cursor to Sittara and press start, then move to Leon and press start, next move to Alice and press start after that you must move to Chen-Mao and press start then go to Zinsuke and press start and finally move to Rokurouta and press start. After you've done this move to the green Random Select box where Nanami will appear.
Play as Young Alice:
At the character select screen, put the cursor on Yashaoh and press start, than go to Goat and press start, than go to Rosemary and press start, than go to Taros and press start, than go to Zam-B and press start, next go to the top, Purple random select box where Young Alice will appear.
Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty (1998)
Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (2000)
STAFF Game Designer: H. Kiribayashi, S. Katsumiya Programmer: H. Moriyama, T. Katayama, H. Nakagawa, H. Hara, S. Fujino, A. Kashima Sound: A. Nishida Graphic: H. Asahi, T. Inoue, N. Inoue, T. Oonishi, H. Kiribayashi, H. Nishitake, K. Maekawa, S. Higashimoto, K. Michiwaki Voice Actor: Oovas, Ryuuri Ikki, Kazuyo Itou, Kazuya Kishimoto, Daisuke Hagita, Michihiko Horie, Miruki Executive Producer: Yasukazu Takahashi
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Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors
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