[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=aafbc&type=ingame[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=aafbc]All American Football (rev C) (romset aafbc) on Arcade Database[/url]
<a href='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=aafbc'><img alt='' src='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=aafbc&type=ingame'><br/>All American Football (rev C) (romset aafbc) on Arcade Database</a>
Exciting! Authentic! The Ultimate Video Sports Game
RUN PLAY and PASS PLAY. Which to choose to attack!? Select either of the eight formations. Players are free to use either punt kick or field goal, so they can enjoy as exciting and thrilling a game as a real game. "ALL AMERICAN FOOTBALL" can be played either by only one player, or together with his friend. We assure you that it will become #1 game at your location!
1 PLAYER competes with a computer 2 PLAYER 2 players compete. (During play, time can be extended if another coin is dropped)
Before selecting a game, select a formation. By turning the track ball, choose the desired formation No. and press SELECT button.
Formation No.1-4 RUN PLAY DEFENSE: Move QB along the runner course displayed on the screen. OFFENSE: Move LB to suppress the opponent's QB.
Formation No.5-8 PASS PLAY DEFENSE: Pass to a free receiver among the three receivers. When caught by it, run towards the end zone. OFFENSE: By Controlling QB, try to intercept.
Formation P & F PUNT KICK and FIELD GOAL PUNT KICK: If, in four rounds of attack, first down is difficult to gain, kick by turning the track ball. FIELD GOAL: If there's a chance, choose ofrmation F to try to kick towards the goal post!
Screen orientation: Vertical Video resolution: 240 x 320 pixels Screen refresh: 60.00 Hz Palette colors: 1024
Players: 4 Control: Stick Buttons: 1
TRIVIA The game has all the features of "John Elway's Team Quarterback" with improved graphics, sideline shop, etc...
TIPS AND TRICKS To enter the setup/diagnostics menus:
Press and hold the left Quarterback Join button.
Press the Test button
Release both buttons
When in the menu, button 1 selects the functions while button 2 activates/changes it.
Quarterback (1987)
John Elway's Team Quarterback (1988)
All American Football (1989)
STAFF Direction: John Rowe, Medo Moreno, Dan Viescas, Dave Dodd Software: Bob Skinner, Phil Sorger Graphics: Kevin Lydy Sounds: Michelle Simon Music: Sam Powell Hardware: Eric Henderson
CONTRIBUTE Edit this entry: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=64&o=2
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All American Football
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All American Football (rev C)
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