[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=19xxjr1&type=ingame[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=19xxjr1]19XX: The War Against Destiny (Japan 951225) (romset 19xxjr1) on Arcade Database[/url]
<a href='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=19xxjr1'><img alt='' src='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=19xxjr1&type=ingame'><br/>19XX: The War Against Destiny (Japan 951225) (romset 19xxjr1) on Arcade Database</a>
TRIVIA 19XX The War Against Destiny was released on December 7, 1995 in Japan. It was known as the 13th CPS-II game.
The game forbids the initials 'SEX' on the high score table. If you try, it gets changed to 'SYS'.
Known export releases: "19XX - The War Against Destiny [Blue Board]" "19XX - The War Against Destiny [Grey Board]" "19XX - The War Against Destiny [Orange Board]" "19XX - The War Against Destiny [Pink Board]"
Soundtrack album releases: Capcom Game Sound Track -19XX The War Against Destiny- (VICL-2168) [Victor Entertainment]
Victor Entertainment released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Capcom Game Soundtrack: 19XX The War Against Destiny - VICL-2168) on April 3, 1996. Here is the official name of the songs: Mission 1 - A Bit of Blue Sky Between the Clouds Mission 2 - The Red Naval Port Mission 3 - Dance of the Green Gnome Mission 4 - Silver Ice Sheet Mission 5 - City Lights in the Black Strait Final Mission P1 - Grayish Tornado Final Mission P2 - The Last-Ditch Fight
UPDATES Green Board releases:
Revision 1:
Build Date: 951207
Revision 2:
Build Date: 951225
Change First Stage Music To "1942" BGM: at the title screen after the coin is inserted move Up, Right(x9), Down(x4), left(x2). A sound will be heard once the code is entered.
Change First Stage Music To An Arranged Version of "1942" BGM: at the title screen after the coin is inserted move Up, Down(x9), Upleft, Downright, Upright, Downleft, Upleft, Downright, Upright, Downleft. A voice will be heard once the code is entered.
Stronger Bombs: holding the BOMB button will charge your bomb to a stronger level.
1942 (1984)
1943 - Midway Kaisen (1987)
1943 Kai - Midway Kaisen (1988)
1941 - Counter Attack [B-Board 89625B-1] (1990)
19XX - The War Against Destiny [Green Board] (1995)
1944 - The Loop Master [Green Board] (2000)
1942 - Joint Strike (2008, PSN/XBLA)
STAFF Game designers: I. Satsuma, Tomonori Nonaka, S. Obata (Manhattan) Program designers: T. Ueno, Batayoni, Hdo, Dress, Ittetsu, You!, Hits Scroll designers: Taka, Fukumoyan, Ziggy, Imahori, Hiroshi Sugiyama, Kazu, Goro Suzuki, Sawatch Object designers: Y. Maruno, Misupo Rumu, Yoshino Hiroaki, Mimura Kenji 8, Naoki Fukuda, Yuki, Henoheno, Bow, T. Osumi, GZ, K. Tokunaga, You-Ten Nakano, Takep, Eizi Murabayashi, Kogaman Music composers: Syun Nishigaki (Kobekko), Tatsuro Zuzuki Sound designers: Hiroaki Kondo (Mach-2) All sound produce by Arcade Sound Team.
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19XX: The War Against Destiny
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19XX: The War Against Destiny (Japan 951225)
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