[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mess=assaultc1&type=ingame&list=sms[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mess=assaultc1&list=sms]Assault City (Europe) (romset assaultc1) on Arcade Database[/url]
Robots Go Berserk! Dateline: Assault City, 2092 It's a robot mutiny! Central Computer Control is in chaos! Armed KillerBots are running amok, blasting loyal Bots into metal junk and piles of whining servomotors!
Roboter drehen durch! Datum und Schauplatz: Assault City, 2092 Die Situation: Ein Roboteraufstand wurde gemeldet, während sich das zentrale Computersystem in totalem Chaos befindet! Bewaffnete KillerBots laufen Amok und jagen friedfertige Roboter in die Luft, die als jämmerliche Metallfetzen und Häufchen jaulender Servomotoren enden!
Robotarna går bärsärkagång! Tidsåldern och platsen: Året 2092 i Stormstaden Robotarna gör uppror! Det råder fullständigt kaos i datorcentralen! Beväpnade mördarrobotar löper amok och skjuter sönder de lojala robotarna i högar av metallskrot och vinande servomotorer.
Les robots deviennent fous! Lieu et date: Assault City, 2092 C'est une mutinerie de robots! La commande de l'ordinateur central est en plein chaos! Les robots tueurs armés courent dans tous les sens, et font éclater les robots loyaux en mille pièces métalliques et servomoteurs grinçants!
¡Los robots se han vuelto locos! Fecha: Assault City, 2092 ¡Los robots se han amotinado! ¡El Control Central Computadorizado se encuentra en verdadero caos! ¡Los KillerBots (robots asesinos) armados se han vuelto locos y están reduciendo a los robots leales a chatarra y montones de servomotores funcionando sin control!
I robot sono impazziti! Data: Assault City, 2092 I robot si sono ammutinati! Il Centro Controllo Computer è nel caos! Robokiller armati impazzano per le strade, distruggendo i robot leali in ammassi di rottami e pile di circuti sfasciati!
TRIVIA Developed in Japan, but released in Europe only. It was then re-released as a light phazer version in Europe and USA; "Assault City [Model 7040]".
European reviews: [FR] Player One (Oct. 1990): 85/100
TIPS AND TRICKS On the first level, if you shoot a certain building in the background a robot man will appear. There's one around halfway though the level and one right at the end.
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Assault City (Europe)
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